Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers

I'm going to take a several hour road trip to the Washington DC/Baltimore area to demo some speakers in the $10,000 range for a once in a lifetime purchase. I plan on listening to some Magico A3's, Aerial Acoustic 7T's, and Spendor D-9's. One of the dealers also has Paradigm Persona 3F's on the floor, so I'll take a listen to them too. While I'm up there are there any other speakers in that price range you'd recommend I try to locate and take a listen to. I'm open to and welcome your suggestions and will take the time to research each one as well.

I'm not in the market for used equipment. Thanks for any and all suggestions.



Congrats on the Magico A3 purchase. 
In the next couple of weeks I will be visiting a local dealer to hear them. Based on your experience, it sounds like I need to leave my CC and check book at home!

Good move not buying any speaker junk sourced to china for production.
As above, any dealer/retailer that turns down a (potential) $10K sale is doing well, financially. Your travels revealed the M.O. in which some Audio shops operate.  Nice report.   Happy Listening!
Ozzy, you’re right there. The Magico A3’s can really put a spell on you. Good luck and have fun.

Jafant, thanks for taking an interest. And thanks for describing your listening experience with the Aerial 7T and the Revel. I usually like to be thorough researching and checking into any product I’m buying, especially at these prices. I really should have been more OCD and auditioned more speakers after the amount of reading I did on each of them. Your statements about those two models makes me feel a bit better about not having done so. Those Magico’s did grab me though.

Do you still have Thiels? Shame they went out of business. Would have liked to have heard them.

Well, it’s on to researching integrated amps next.

Congratulation on getting Magico A3.

It could be speaker for your life.

Since it is back-ordered, you have plenty of time to get the amplifier.

One nice starting point is Rogue Cronus Magnum II with tube 100w power.

With some tube rolling it is very good for the price.

I had been happy to use it with my Lansche 4.1 speaker for 6 years.

Good Luck!

fun thread! I have started several " Best speaker for $10,000" threads and like you got recommendations from 1 extreme to the other and tbh I may still not be done. You can't go wrong with magico. Enjoy the music.