Which integrated amp for better musicality - Parasound Hint vs Primaluna vs ???

I've been having a blast looking up threads and doing some research but my dilemma is this - I want to get more enjoyment out of my music (don't we all). My Anthem and Oppo setup honestly sound great but I can't help but think that maybe I am missing out. I am thinking of upgrading some of my gear by either adding an integrated amp or separates. I'd love to hear some recommendations. Based on some reading, I am considering: 

1. Parasound Halo Integrated 6
2. Primaluna Dialogue Premium or Premium HP

My current setup is as follows: 

Oppo 105D
Anthem MRX 510 AVR
Ascend Acoustic Sierra RAAL Towers and Horizon Center

Any recommendations or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 
I forgot to mention. 
I haven't heard the well knowned Naim Supernait 2 amp, but Tim Smith from wallofsound.com considers the Line Magnetic LM-518IA, a brother of the LM-508IA, to be better than the Naim. Tim raves about the 518.
I haven't heard the 518, but I've read in more than one place on Internet that the 508 is better, so it should be also better than the Naim. 

Have you ever had the bottom panel removed to view the circuit. Would like to know what type of coupling caps are used and if the same cap is used in the signal path. Also would like to know the capacitive value of the filter cap and if there is one or two power x-formers supplying the power (True mono block on one chassis?).

If your familiar with any of this info, would you please pass it along.  I have looked / researched and found too few answers combined with conflicting info.



No, I have never taken off the panel or viewed the circuit, though I think there may be photos online that may tell you what you want to know.

Sorry I can't be more helpful. Plga's appraisal of the LM 508's sound is on the money. 
Within your budget

Kiky EMX1 if you want lot of power 225W for 8ohm

Rogue Cronus Magnum II if you want tube 100W power

Lyngdorf 2170  if you want room correction and decent dac.

If you do not have separate dac,  Lyngdorf 2170 is a good try with digital out from Oppo


Micromega M-One M100 is another good choice.

One people reported that Micromega M100 have more power than Lyngdorf 2170 at audiogon forum thread.