Sound for my new theater?

We are nearing completion of our new home theater. Size is 26'x21'x11'. !30" Stewart screen with Pioneer projector. I currently have a small Linn system consisting of a Unidisk SC, 5105 and pair of 5140s. My thoughts regarding options are as follows:
1) Add three Linn 5120 speakers as surrounds and center and actively tri-amp the 5140s with a new Chakra 6100. Add a Rel sub.
2) Start over with a Magnepan based system using 3.6s as the mains with the Maggie center and surrounds. Also add sides for 7.1 and a Rel sub.
3) Start over with another dynamic speaker system.
My questions are:
A) Which approach would be the most musical and still capable of rocking for the movies.
B) Which pre pro and amps for #2 and #3? Need to support all the new codecs and 7.1
C) What complete system for #3?

Thanks for any and all feedback.

......"I don't have bells and whistles or subwoofer slam for explosions. Most HT sound is recorded so poorly it doesn't matter. "

If you mean it doesn't matter to you, I do understand.

If not though, Man! I really got to differ with you on the low level output quality in HT, movies, soundtracks, and lately cable TV shows… it’s getting better and better and has been good to very good, with any number of excellent ones, for some time. Get a sub and you will definitely see for yourself. Even if it’s not a great or expensive sub, adding one opens another door to video enjoyment you should not be missing out on.

The musical score in just about any adventure, action, deep drama, horror or sci fi, carries usually a very deep sub line or low freq accompaniment. Even next gen Star Trek, Stargate, and others have a pronounced low end component throughout the film for effect.

Low end effects are abundant and quite well laid in with many TV shows and films now. Even the Nat Geo, Smithsonian ch, Disc, History, Military, Science ch, and even the DIY ch, has low/sub effects with many of their programs.

Subs are a must for HT in a room of this proposed size. Like the very large screen size, subs will evoke as much of the sonic tables influence and impact. Cohesiveness of the surrounding Sonics provides pretty much just the involvement. In action adventure many cues too.

The only place where the musical end of things isn’t as up to par or important is with vintage films…. Pre 70s, mostly. Even some 80s as well. There I’ve found it best more often than not to utilize A Dolby Pro logic sound field, or an all ch audio/stereo feature. Many of today’s receivers & processors have built in to them… rather than just the center ch speaker doing all the work and being the focus.

In the classic films genre I’ll sometimes use a sound field choice such as theater, or church, which ever gives just a very slight reverb to emulate a large venue’s live characteristic, or introduce some ambience to an otherwise bland soundtrack.

Big screens need bigger if not better sound when possible, and in a space of size… spread it out. Even if it is only mono or just 2 ch. It is a nicer effect. IMHO

But there is a wealth of sub based info in TV and films these days for sure… having it in your bag of tricks is a must.
I think a sub adds value for music as well, especially if you enjoy pipe organ music. I supplement my KEF 104.2s below 80 Hz with a Velodyne HGS-15 and a Velodyne SMS-1 room correction module. It makes for a seamless integration that works well for music and HT. I use a vintage Proceed PAV/PDSD pre/pro with Proceed Amp 2 and Amp 3, so I use a separate HDMI switcher. The result is excellent audio and video.

True Blindjim, its just my perspective. I've had DTV and Dish and in both cases the audio is very poor even for concert programs. Perhaps cable is better.
Regarding subs, I can imagine that one might be nice for HT. But I can't stand subs for music so wouldn't buy one since my priorities are music. For now, my Thiel's are doing a great job.


Honestly, I do feel my current FIOS cable setup is better than DTV overall, sonically, and visually. I felt other cable vs. DTV was a 'pick 'em' affair.

Of course, saying that, all my electronics have been changed/upgraded too. I've come a fair piece from the Gold 60s, Krell amp, and Sony STRV 444es receiver with a 50 CD changer & 100 watt no xover sub.... which is what I had when DTV was my provider... about 5 yrs ago.

Them Theils must bang out some good bass in that room. Subs for me are a 'given' now however, music or HT. For the latter especially though.

When I got these Silverline Sonata IIIs, prior to the Velodyne DD15 sub, I really felt no sub was needed for music. Really.

Once it arrived though, and a good power cord was attached to it, my mind was changed for me. I got that going into the 'big room' at the dealership effect. One of those you won't truly know what you might be missing until you hear the diff, sort of things.

Truth be told I could have stood to have gotten two subs in fact and might add another down the road, or just leave well enough alone with the DD 15 in the HT side, and get slightly smaller twins for the music side, as I'm thinking about going with large monitors there anyhow for my next experiement in audio.

It is hard to find a pair of speakers which can reproduce the larger lizards foot stomps, jets, building collapses, and sub sonic info in flicks generally speaking though, and that's why I added the above thoughts... and given that room size too, which plays a large, large part as well.

Enjoy... either way. As is the prefference or desire.

I just wanted to say thanks for all the responses. I made a similar post on both AV Guide and AVS and had virtually no response. I listened to several systems in the last week. Proac ?? and Revel F32 played by NAD Master integrated and Rega player. Then Wilson Sophia 2 played by Ayre Pre and Power with Esoteric player. Then Def Tech Mythos ST played by Marantz receiver and Playstation 3 both in straight 2 channel. The Proac was definitely not my cup of tea while I could live with the Revel but it seemed a little too "romantic" for my taste. The Wilson setup was spectacular but I really don't want to spend this much. The real surprise was how much I liked the ST. The front end wasn't the best but the speakers have real potential. I think the reviewers may be right on regarding this speaker. I think I might give these a shot with my Linn electronics as the front end. It's been so long since I listened to my own system, almost a year, due to the move and construction. With the STs I don't need to spend $2k+ on a sub and the mids and highs were nice as well as the imaging. One solid idea I did get from the AVS guys was to add a DVDO Edge for switching, conversion, processing of the video since my Linn Unidisk SC only outputs component. I also think I'll go ahead and get an extra set of side speakers with the Def Tech setup just in case a musical 7.1 pre pro ever shows up. It seems the old Proceed is the current darling of the music lovers.

Well friends and neighbors, any thoughts?
