Sound for my new theater?

We are nearing completion of our new home theater. Size is 26'x21'x11'. !30" Stewart screen with Pioneer projector. I currently have a small Linn system consisting of a Unidisk SC, 5105 and pair of 5140s. My thoughts regarding options are as follows:
1) Add three Linn 5120 speakers as surrounds and center and actively tri-amp the 5140s with a new Chakra 6100. Add a Rel sub.
2) Start over with a Magnepan based system using 3.6s as the mains with the Maggie center and surrounds. Also add sides for 7.1 and a Rel sub.
3) Start over with another dynamic speaker system.
My questions are:
A) Which approach would be the most musical and still capable of rocking for the movies.
B) Which pre pro and amps for #2 and #3? Need to support all the new codecs and 7.1
C) What complete system for #3?

Thanks for any and all feedback.

I just wanted to say thanks for all the responses. I made a similar post on both AV Guide and AVS and had virtually no response. I listened to several systems in the last week. Proac ?? and Revel F32 played by NAD Master integrated and Rega player. Then Wilson Sophia 2 played by Ayre Pre and Power with Esoteric player. Then Def Tech Mythos ST played by Marantz receiver and Playstation 3 both in straight 2 channel. The Proac was definitely not my cup of tea while I could live with the Revel but it seemed a little too "romantic" for my taste. The Wilson setup was spectacular but I really don't want to spend this much. The real surprise was how much I liked the ST. The front end wasn't the best but the speakers have real potential. I think the reviewers may be right on regarding this speaker. I think I might give these a shot with my Linn electronics as the front end. It's been so long since I listened to my own system, almost a year, due to the move and construction. With the STs I don't need to spend $2k+ on a sub and the mids and highs were nice as well as the imaging. One solid idea I did get from the AVS guys was to add a DVDO Edge for switching, conversion, processing of the video since my Linn Unidisk SC only outputs component. I also think I'll go ahead and get an extra set of side speakers with the Def Tech setup just in case a musical 7.1 pre pro ever shows up. It seems the old Proceed is the current darling of the music lovers.

Well friends and neighbors, any thoughts?

Go back to the Maggies system, much improved sound quality. I am a fan of Def Tech, but hey are not in the same league with the Maggies.
I have been reading about some speakers designed by Marc Seaton on AVSforum. They are called the triple 12LF's. I think they might be worth a look.