I should know by now that this debate is not about audio, but religion; God forbid that I should ever go to the Middle East, because I'll get beheaded for sure; I can't help taking long looks at beautiful women, veils or no veils.
When it comes to religion, I'm agnostic, but this is like "The Hatfields & The McCoys Feud"; you got to be on one side or the other. I'm on the side of "high end audio", and that's a fact.
Now if the best cartridge someone ever heard was ceramic on a cheap record player, and they said records ain't worth squat, that would be valid; that's what I'm hearing with this "digitalis"; but I've never been much of a preacher, I always drank too much. Never the less, it's all in the "set up".
I'll bet the "Ana Logers" pull up a chair at record level and watch the stylus squiggle in the grooves.
(all in fun)