Home Theater Receiver recommendations for B&W 803S?

Hi!  I'm on the hunt for a new receiver, since I recently upgraded my main speakers, and I'd like to have one that also passes 4K signal.  

My current setup:

Denon AVR-4308CI
Left & Right: B&W 803S
Center: B&W HTM2
Surrounds B&W 301
Sub: Energy 8"

I recently upgraded to the 803S's on the left/right; replacing my original Nautilus 805's.  Now I need to upgrade the rest of the system!

I think the first step is the receiver, especially since I'd like to be able to pass 4K to my projector.   Then will likely upgrade the sub (Am considering the Monoprice Monolith, 10" or 12"...). And I'm also on the hunt for a HTM3S, to better match the 803S's. 

I'd love to know what Receiver recommendations folks have that will pair nicely with these speakers.  Ideally under ~$2K  - and I really don't care much about other bells & whistles (multi zone, bluetooth, wifi, whatever). I'd rather the money go into the best possible D/A, amplifiers, etc... and leave other tech gadgetry to other boxes.

Appreciate any/all input! Thanks!  :)

You will not do those B&W 803S justice by using an AV receiver. I would avoid using an AV receiver for those speakers. 
I suggest you go for AV separates (av pre pro + power amp) for those speakers. But you will never find even used AV separate gears for under $2k. It will be tough especially of you're looking for the most current AV gear that can decode the latest formats and codecs and pass through 4k HDR etc. 
Thanks for chiming in - and good points.  I've been toying with the idea of separates... unfortunately price is a factor, as you mentioned -- and I'm also worried about the husband-acceptance-factor (gotta keep it easy to use...)

But I'll definitely start looking around to see if there's something that might fit the bill. Thanks. :)

Agree.  That Denon AVR-4308CI is already at the top level of receiver power supply capability.  You are not going to get anything better by upgrading to something newer, other than support for 4K.
It would be better to get a really high current multi-channel amplifier for those B&W speakers.   If you are looking at new within $2k, the best I could recommend is the Emotiva XPA-DR3 amp.  It's a fully balanced / differential 3 channel amp.  Then use the receiver to power any surrounds that you have.  There are others and if you look at used, then things get complicated as all the amps sound radically different.  Emotiva is obviously not the best amp, but it is extremely good for the money and very neutral sounding (not too warm, not too bright) and has a lot of current and attack/detail.