I heard Rotel at RMAF and I will have to say that it is a very nice and refined amplifier. Obviously, it's not going to be in the higher priced "Krell" or "Parasound" league, but it is extremely good and much better than Emotiva (I have actually owned three different models of Emotiva monoblocks). That review on Monoprice could have some element of truth to it because the current generation of Emotiva uses switching power supply, which doesn't always have a lot of bass authority. The linear power supply of the Monolith could be transferring the bass power a lot better. But the Rotel will sound much better than either. Over the years and testing with different equipment, I have found that, in the end, you really get what you pay for. Of course, there are many variations of sonic signature, but if you are looking for sound quality and refinement, there are no real cheap shortcuts. The Emotiva will have good sound for the money, and the Monoloth may have good for the money as well, but realize that you are making compromises here. If, ultimately, your budget cannot do the Rotel, then that's perfectly okay. Just keep a realistic picture of what you're getting.