No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

b4icu says  " Tell me pleas, if you use a TOTL US $1,000.- power cord connected to your cattle to boil some water, would it make a better tea?"

I can never get this to work.....
So, let me get this straight. In Israel women can be in the military but they can’t be audiophiles? 
Mr. geoffkait

In Israel the Military is compulsory. My older daughter was dismissed as a lieutenant, than promoted in reserves to captain. My younger daughter served at the NAVY as coast guard shift commander.

Lady's as men can be Audiophiles. For some reason only men do. No lady's were found in this hobby. If you find one, please let me know.

Maybe the same reason why men die before their wives. Because they want to!


Mr. glupson

Not detrimental, but also no effective either.

Keep in mind that it is very difficult to work with thick cables as 0 AWG.

It is even more difficult to get a 2x 0 AWG or 4x AWG.

For the length, every time the length doubles, so shall the cross section. So if there is no other option, you will need double the thickness…

But if there is an option, you better keep the cable length short.

Another problem, with 0 AWG and above cables, is the weight they put on the binding posts. That is no problem if the amp and speakers are on the floor.

But if they get hanging 2' from ground, that might be a problem.

As far as I can see, there’s awg 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0, or 0000. This last is nearly 1/2 inch thick. This is clearly the stuff you need--and it gives a whole new meaning to speaker jumper cables.

Something like this: