Yes quality does differ lots, currently find my viewing driven by picture quality rather than content. Water is fascinating on the 151, you can see down into it. Apparently Rambo3 is supposed to be outstanding on bluray, if I can sit thru it again I will watch for the effects.
Maybe part of the problem is I am going directly from the 05 to the plasma for video, skipping the receiver, then sending audio ou thru the analogues to my multichannel cj pre/amp.
I purchased the 05 with the intent of using its dac and analagoes out. Alternatively I have the denon 5900 and 5803AVR setup with dvi to my sony crt for 1080i( which now is matched by DTV-HD). Currently using the 5803 to power 16 ceiling speakers (8"NHT), but I may use the 5803 as pre-preamp.
Don't you guys lose something routing hdmi thru receiver first?
Maybe part of the problem is I am going directly from the 05 to the plasma for video, skipping the receiver, then sending audio ou thru the analogues to my multichannel cj pre/amp.
I purchased the 05 with the intent of using its dac and analagoes out. Alternatively I have the denon 5900 and 5803AVR setup with dvi to my sony crt for 1080i( which now is matched by DTV-HD). Currently using the 5803 to power 16 ceiling speakers (8"NHT), but I may use the 5803 as pre-preamp.
Don't you guys lose something routing hdmi thru receiver first?