Pioneer BDP-05FD hdmi handshake issues

Just purchased Pioneer bdp-05 bluray and 151fd plasma and cannot get hdmi to display video and analogue outs get remixed to stereo.
Firmware updated is 1.25 and 1080i is best Im getting from component video. Played several bluray and std discs, none at 1080p.
Purchased a rockfish 1.3 10.2gbs hdmi cable with the unit. Read in an earlier post that could be the hdmi cable. Could it be the 1.25 firmware update needs to be 1.3 for the 151 to recognize?
Loving the plasma, not real impressed with the bdp-05
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Yes quality does differ lots, currently find my viewing driven by picture quality rather than content. Water is fascinating on the 151, you can see down into it. Apparently Rambo3 is supposed to be outstanding on bluray, if I can sit thru it again I will watch for the effects.

Maybe part of the problem is I am going directly from the 05 to the plasma for video, skipping the receiver, then sending audio ou thru the analogues to my multichannel cj pre/amp.
I purchased the 05 with the intent of using its dac and analagoes out. Alternatively I have the denon 5900 and 5803AVR setup with dvi to my sony crt for 1080i( which now is matched by DTV-HD). Currently using the 5803 to power 16 ceiling speakers (8"NHT), but I may use the 5803 as pre-preamp.

Don't you guys lose something routing hdmi thru receiver first?

Don't you guys lose something routing hdmi thru receiver first?

I run my Panny 35 via HDMI into an Onkyo 805 and then HDMI from the 805 to my display. Its a direct pass through and doesn't alter the signal at all. I've tried it both ways to be sure (i.e. from the panny straight to the display) and there's no difference in quality that I can discern.
Thanks for all your helpful advice. Problem is now solved
Exchanged it at BB for another 05 and now have 1080p.
Difference is that this new 05 was setup with hdmi only and a 1080p tv from the get go. Other must have got some bad mojo on intial setup. Sales guys at BB could not get hdmi video out to work either. We tried several different setups, none worked.
Now that I have 1080p Im switching back and forth to compare between DirectTV 1080i and EagleEye movie in 1080p and they both have very, very good visuals on the kuro151.
The difference between 1080p and 1080i are more subtle than expected, probably because this TV is so damn good it makes everything look good.
Think Im all set for a while.
Sorry to report the replacement BDP-05FD now has same problem as last one, no video thru hdmi.
Was working fine until unplugged, then no video thru hdmi, had to hook up component to get signal but won't go back to hdmi. Same thing happened with the show model when we unplugged it to test the first lemon.

Guess Ill be returning this one for a ps3 or a panny, really wanted audio out tho, suggestions?