"The male of the species is a visual creature", one might say.
We have been asked multiple times to make our cables more ’pretty’ as they would be easier to sell, and more would be sold.
We have not, as every bit of prettiness and shininess we have at our disposal to add in, degrades sound quality. We (at Teo) can’t -and won’t- issue high quality cables with the ’shiny crow attractants’ involved, unless it is purely functional.
So far, for us, only the good looking WBT reference connectors have passed this high audio quality smell test.
We are very very good with cosmetics and visual appeal in product execution and design. The two of us (Taras and I - Ken) are well versed in such, with decades of experience. But there is little to be done in the cosmetics arena, with cables, if sound quality is the aim and outcome.