EL 34 vs. KT 88 ---- What's the difference?

Can someone please tell me or be able to describe the sonic differences in the use of each of these tubes?

Is one tube better than the other...or does one tube provide more warmth and tube-like qualities than the other?

Does anyone know why a tube amp designer would select one over the other?

+1 on Primaluna.  It can use both tubes, plus many others including KT120, KT150, and others.
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I gotta get me some and my amps back and running,  I have switched to an 845 SET for the moment
These discussions are extremely vague. Do any of you notice your choice of adjectives? What do these really mean? lushness, richness, soft, balanced, controlled bass, better-quality treble, more of the tube thing, better bass, a very good dynamic speaker, robustness, smoother, more life, less "hard" vacuum, less rigid structure, construction differences, more slam, more air, expanded my soundstage towards "you are there" dimensions, right, nothing else sounds as real, sounds like music, notes come across perfectly, bright and harsh, warmth, fatness, more level headed in this region, more extended in the highs, superior in its clarity, even handed, boring, cold and uninspiring in the mids, a most robust tube, bass richness/fatness, better midrange, full and yet sweet sounding midrange, tends to loose control of the bass, more robust powerful sound, mid range... tends to be clinical sounding and less musical, not going to be as polite sounding, tighter bass, sparkling treble, sweet for jazz, classical, and voice but lacking a bit in precision for rock, less polite, more polite tube by construction, more balanced and extended, not as much slam, intimate yet dynamic and detailed, liquid, driver tubes , more musical and natural presentation, pace, more musical, punch, help with bass, add a bit to the upper frequencies.
How about "more to my liking." Better looking? Easier to dust...repels stains...dishwasher safe...A Good Housekeeping seal of approval...burns your fingers slightly less when touched (actually true with KT77s)...preserves the smell of the original recording space...can be used as money in Easter Europe...dry cleanable...slightly slows down fast parts and speeds up slow parts...quiet when not in use...