On the fence about Vinyl need a good phono stage for A/B testing

Got myself Rega P6, but humm I am not so sure if I want to listen to Vinyl over lossless audio. I have SET tube amp and thinking if I have to get tube phono stage or a good SS will suffice. The speakers will be Legacy Aeris. 

I am thinking ti try out Project Tube Box DS2 but guessing if I should I go all out with Luxman EQ-500 or be rational and settle for Parasound JC3+.

The signal chain will be Rega P6 with Ortofon Bronze -> Phono Stage -> Legacy Wavelet processor -> Line Magnetic 508ia -> Legacy Aeris.

Any advice is helpful.

I just had Ortofon 2M Bronze installed on Rega P6. I am hoping to get some milage on this before even considering upgrading this to something else. Is this a good start?. I am happy to invest in a good long term phono stage but prefer to start with something cheaper and tube(everyone thinks tube is better!)

I am thinking Manley chinook / Herron VTPH-2A but slowly and steadily convincing myself to get a used tube amp like Shindo Monbrison /  Luxman EQ-500 / Manley Steelhead / BAT - VK-P12SE for around 5-7k. 

I really wish I could A/B them in the comfort of my home!. But reality is different.

My amp is Line Magnetic Integrated LM-805IA speakers are Legacy Aeris (on the way), will be using Wavelet room correction. Vast amount of my music is Flac. Just getting started with records!.
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Seems like Luxman CL-38u is a good deal and priced lower, what will I be missing when compared to EQ-500?. Do I really need all the bells and whistles?. Or there are fundamental difference in design in the phono input and output stages between these two?. I am a bit skeptical if I can notice audible difference between these two.