Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

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It was a demo’d in Sydney by the Maggie importer at the time at a clients converted warehouse who used k-horn, amps used were bought along by Allen Wright (rip), which were heavily modded tube theatre mono block amps and bought my massive water cooled 150w Pure-Class-A S/S. there were 10 of us we all thought the same.
But the owner of the warehouse and the K-Horns (which came last in image and depth perception), bought the Tympani’s instead because they did fill/drive the massive room better than the narrower models could.

Cheers George

The best imaging I have ever heard from a well-off-centerline listening location was with the fully horn loaded ESD speakers at RMAF last weekend.  Very narrow-pattern horns (even the bass was horn loaded).  The center image was extremely solid and precise.  If blindfolded I would have sworn there was a center channel speaker of the same caliber as the left and right speakers. 

I didn't know ANYTHING could image like that. 


Thanks Duke. It's good to hear the opinion of someone who knows what he's talking about.
Going back to the late 70s, early 80s, I took every opportunity to audition as many audio components and speakers as possible. What struck me about the big horns like the Klipsch K Horns and the big Altec Lansing horns, was heir large full sound. The imaging didn’t seem as deep or well placed as the stats and ribbons, like the Quads, Acoustats and Magnapans or some of the dynamic speakers like the Vandersteens or Thiels, but their sound was BIG. Even though I fell in love with the Quads and happily lived with them for many years, my favorite speakers was and still is, the large full range Apogees - the Divas, Scintillas and Duettas. Not only is their sound large and full, like the big horns, but their imaging, detail and realism of instruments and vocals, is incredible.
The down side, particularly with the Divas and Scintillas, is - they require a large room and (unlike the big horns) they require allot of good power. Have been giving a lot of thought lately, to the more easily managed, smaller sibling - a nicely refurbished pair of Duetta Sigs.....Jim

+1 Jim , exactly what I found, even with today's horn loaded speakers, like Avantguard range ect, a wall of sound I call it without much pinpoint image placement and depth perception, like all the esl's, planers and ribbons you mentioned can do. Still enjoyable, just not my cup of tee to live with.

Cheers George