No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

I will share my impression on this exchange. I paid $25k for 2 pair after discount.
The Goldmund amp have 2 male BNC output for speaker connections. Anybody know where I can buy the female connectors. I plan to connect the 6AWG cable by this connection if I can source the female connectors. Many thanks to all.
Mr. khiak

The connectors you call BNC are not BNC!
Or the last page of your GOLDMUND TELOS 600 RTFM.
It looks more like an enlarge (not STD size, but very large) TNC.
GOLDMUND would be a good place to start with. I don't like this "unique" approach. However, the TELOS 600 have also 4 ordinary binding posts.
I am kind of did you connect the GOLDMUND TELOS 600 with your speakers till now?

For all those who are in the process of getting a NEW cable that was calculated and recommended.

First, good luck and thanks for the trust. I really hope that most of you, if not all, will end up happy and satisfied.


When the time will come, to share your impression here, please do it in some ordinary way:

>  Specify your Amp and speakers.

>  Specify the previous cable that was replaced: just gauge and length.

    Please avoid brand and model. Thanks. 

    You may add how much that cable cost…

>  Specify your new cable: gauge and length. If other than was

    recommended, please notice what was recommended too.


Then use your own words to describe your impression.

This is important for all of us, to get the equipment and cables data, not only a say of how good (or not) is the new cable.

Thank you all in advance.

Michael (b4icu).

Mr. khiak

As I already established a communication line with Goldmund and Mr. Rodolphe, I posted him some questions regarding the Telos 600 special speaker connectors.

I'll share that with you as soon as he will reply.

We never leave a wounded on the battlefield ! :-)