Oppo 205 and external DAC?

My goal is to utilize the balanced output of the Oppo but the amplifier(PL Dialogue HP) has unbalanced inputs. 

Excluding the modification route.

What external DAC would offer an improvement in SQ over the inboard Oppo DAC? Also with balanced connections, then of course switching to unbalanced from the dac to the PL.

Hi Jimmy,

How are you connecting your 205 to the BDA-3? I have the same combination. 

I think you’re totally confused. You “must” use a digital out to make any use of another dac. End of story!
Yes I know. There are multiple outputs on the 205 and multiple inputs on the BDA-3. 
With my Ric Schultz modified 203, I inserted the iFi spdif Purifier, basically a reclocker and galvanic isolator into the end of the run to a DirectStream dac. I've found it to offer substantial improvement over using a Snake River Boomslang spdif cable alone, as if I had purchased a much more expensive cable. With the dac's new firmware, know as Snowmass (to be officially released maybe 11/11), the difference in clarity, size and solidity of imaging and the soundstage coming forward is substantial. It was a surprise, as I thought from reading the reviews that it aimed more at the mobile market. I didn't get the same results though running a toslink cable out of the Purifier, still using the Boomslang, at least with a Silflex optical cable (the 203 mod eliminated the toslink option, so I can't run it all the way with optical cable).
Always use 205 balanced line-out fixed for best sound quality. If your amp doesn't have balanced input, at lease have a balanced pre-amp for best result. I use a sennheiser HDVA 600 earphone amp which not only serve as earphone amp but also pre-amp. very silent and liner.