Audio Technica AT ML-180 Cartridge Advice

Just acquired an Audio Technica AT ML-180 cartridge with broken cantilever and was looking for advice on where to get a new cantilever rebuild and what material to choose from. My preference is a new Boron cantilever but was not sure who, apart from Soundsmith, offers this service.

Also would like to know which is the best tonearm to use for this cartridge once it's fixed. It can either go on my Audiomods Series 5 (eff. mass approx. 11g) or the arm on my Yamaha GT 2000 which has an effective mass of approx. 20g.

Thanks in advance.

I had a long conversation with the VdH representative here in the US a few weeks ago and he explained that Mr VdH performs all the rebuilds himself and that he bought the last remaining supply of Boron tube.

Whilst he did not go into details on the specific step by step approach of how he performs the rebuild, he did explain that a new boron tube cantilever, VdH natural diamond and new suspension would cost me $750 and assured me that Mr VdH does this work himself in his retirement.

I was only passing on this information from a reputable agent of VdH it is not my assumption or opinion.

That’s good, but costly.
For anyone who would like to avoid refurbishing of the stylus i can offer fully working AT-ML170 with original ATN-ML170 stylus in perfect condition! Special christmas offer, just one of these from my personal archive.
Dear  @iwasgointo  : The Signet TK10ML MK2 or the AT24 outperforms the 180.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
@iwasgointo Signet is subsidary of Audio-Technica in USA, while the real Audio-Technica was made in Japan. Signet is not available in Japan. In it’s own country the Audio-Technica is a champ and AT-ML180 OFC and AT-ML180 OCC are unbeatable.

Not sure which AT-ML180 do you mean ?

I will share some more pictures i made with my samples, because i was shocked to discover the difference is not only a coil wire etc.

There are two different versions of them (read on the boxes):

1) AT-ML180 PC OCC version has a Gold-plated Beryllium Cantilever and this particular model is the latest one, it was discontinued in the mid 90’s. There is a computer code printed on the backside of the box and OCC printed on the frontside of the cartridge, so this is a "modern" version from the 90’s. PC OCC (PURE COPPER by OHNO CONTINUOUS CASTING). Probably the last bunch of AT's beryllium is gone by making this version. Beryllium was restricted to use, no more beryllium cantilevers.

2) AT-ML180 LC OFC version is earlier, it has Gold-plated Boron Cantilever, the box does not have any computer code, this model is from the late 80’s, it’s rare! LC OFC is Linear Crystal Oxygen-Free Copper.

As you can see all models in AT-ML series comes with Gold-plated cantilevers. The gold plating acts to damp what little resonance the boron or beryllium produces.

P.S. As far as i know the Signet cartridges are different in many aspects, for example: Signet Boron cantilevers are not Gold-Plated. Those cartridges assembled in the USA, not in Japan. I don’t think they are better than Made In Japan top of the line models from the Audio-Technica. AT-ML180 is a flagship MM cartridge in Japan in the 80s, remember all the competitors at that time on the japanese market?

And finally: Where is Signet or Precept now and where is the Audio-Technica? Think about it.
Dear @iwasgointo : I gave my opinion to you because my first hand experiences with all those 3 cartridges. With out this kind of experiences no one can give you any serious advise.

In the other side Signet was the very high end/De Luxe line in Audio Technica company. Something similar of what happeney with the Elite line in Sony or Exclusive line in Pionner or in Denon too. Yamaha was other of the companies with De Luxe top lines.

As always ignorance speaks by it self.

Anyway, you can try to read information on vintage cartridges here:
