Mr. conradnash
Sorry, the one you see serves my friend in Vancouver BC. If you live nearby, I can get you acquainted.
I have no pictures of that as I never thought to be asked for.
The wire between the thick 0 AWG cable and the banana plug is of 8 AWG. I really believe that this banana plug is the best possible electrical and physical way to connect between it and a binding post.
The banana plug is soldered thoroughly to that 8 AWG wire. 100% of its inside perimeter and 100% of the 8 AWG wire for the entire common length (about 2cm long).
The other end was soldered to the spade (cable shoe) that is of way thicker and more firm than the one Mr. keppertup has. It is soldered on both sides of the shoe (over the center hole). The shoe is crimped on two presses with a 70 DIN size tool.
Than the ends were worn, with a black sleeve (larger diameter) on the thick cable, the shoe and the edge of the 8 AWG cable. A second sleeve (white) is covering that edge and all the 8 AWG wire and secures (permanently) the banana plug sleeve from open.
This structure ensures the best electrical and mechanical construction, and it is very strong. It took me a while to figure it out…For the record, I also have a perfect solution to use two and four 0 AWG wires in one cable, for those who really need that.