Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...

simply because they are over priced? 
I suspect that many people have an emotional tie to their sale item(s) and unintentionally overprice them.

Or not...........
So they do it intentionally, it is just a different and opposite intention.
auxinput- I’ve been through at least 100+ cables designs in the past 20+ years. Grover experimented with all copper, all silver and various mixes until about 5 years ago when he settled on using both. However, the + and - in ICs and ground with A/Cs have different wire configurations based on empirical testing. Also, the mixture of copper to silver is heavily weighted in favor of copper. 15 years ago, he made an all copper woofer cable for me that sounded better with his jumper used full range than the bi-wire I previously had. I now have his speaker cable which has about 90% copper/10% silver.  Same with the ICs and ACs, a touch of silver.  We found that the silver adds openness and highs to the sound that a 100% copper cable does not. We have brought his cables to audio shows and used them in dozens of high end systems which the dealers loved (and permitted him to use) over than other cables they were using.

Grover has a philosophy that he will not overcharge for this work. Based on comparison with other high end cables, he vastly undercharges.

As to the IC connectors, they are low mass, 20mil silver on pure copper billeted RCAs, superior in quality to high end plastic Neutrik with their limited connection area and cheap feel and better sounding than WBT with their heavy mass for ICs. As to A/C connectors, he will use Furutechs over Oyaide of your choice or his own choice which he believes sound better at lower cost.
Hey fleschler, didn't mean to step on any toes. I have been through tons of cable designs as well, and for me, I have found that silver can help in some situations, but it mostly becomes bright and artificial. Copper with rhodium plated terminations will give the same improvement in opennes but will sound natural and not artificial like silver. I have found, in some cases, that silver fuses can help with providing faster voltage to circuits in equipment that are warm. I have seen silver cables work in some systems, but then you are now working around the silver element and having to compensate for it.
At one point about 18 years ago, Grover chose silver which was a mistake except with his equipment at the time.  About 13 years ago, I purchased EAR gear and he decided copper was the thing and designed very good cables since then (the EAR gear really liked his cables post copper).  He added silver as we tried the cables on EAR, custom tube gear and other customers gear.  As I said, there is a difference between adding a 26 versus a 28 gauge silver wire, (with equipment which can resolve the differences).  His new Pharoah line adds a few silver wires in the positive which results in a more open, spacious yet tonally rich sound.  He has many design features which are noted on his site but not the separate positive and negative teflon tube he uses now to reduce the impedance.  No brittle or brightness from his cables using a soupcon of silver (unlike 18 years ago which were all silver).   

Most of my audio friends use Synergistic Research Blue fuses (after using the Blacks) for a big increase in SQ yet we use tube gear.