Speaker Recommendation: 20K range

I’m looking for new speakers in the <20K range. 

I am not looking for used, unless it’s a demo model straight from an AD.

I am hoping to find a line that clearly beats speakers in the ~10K range like Magico A3, Revel 228BE, Legacy Focus SE etc.

I will be pairing the speakers with a Lumin D2 streamer, Mcintosh C2600 pre and MC452 amp. Changing those components is not going to happen anytime soon and so system synergy with those pieces is important. 

I also would like the speakers to be rated at 500W given the amp I will be using and the fact that the listening space is quite large. 

While I mostly listen to jazz, rock, pop, classical and vocals, I am really looking for speakers that sound amazing with any genre. I also need them to sound great at moderate levels of volume. 

I currently have Focal Kanta No 2s, and while they are quite nice, I want something much better in all respects. 

I am not really up to speed on all the audiophile terms that describe the various traits of sound – I just want my jaw to drop when listening to the speakers with any genre at all volume levels, if that’s possible :) 

I am close to NYC and would like to narrow down the list to ~5 candidates before I start auditioning.

Hopefully you guys can help me compile a list!

Thanks in advance for your time and suggestions.

The other missing information is how big is the room, how far away you are sitting and how loud you want to play is it occasionally loud or loud much of the time

Most high end loudspeakers are not designed to handle massive amounts of power without blowing up.

The Legacy Aeris and Focus models can handle that kind of power and can easily fill a large room. 

The Paradigm Persona 7F can handle that kind of power as we already had a client pass that kind of power. The Kef Blades can handle that kind of power although we did have a set of Ref 5 that got the uni-q damaged with 1,000 watts into a 4 ohm load.

So with all of these issues you have a few questions to ask yourself:

1: Is the size and look of the loudspeakers important?
2: Are you willing to look at fringe brands you can not easily demo?
3: Are  you the type of person who would prefer getting the sevice and support of a larger manufacturer vs dealing with some of the issues with smaller companies?

Dave and  Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Well even with moderately efficient speakers your amp is more than capable of damaging what’s left of your hearing
no need to change your amp
just your power handling expectations....
many of the pro sound setup I hauled around the country ( when I was young and invincible but stupid ) would melt under that amp...
i am going to stay away from recommend of a secofic brand or three.. at this price level expert setup and a relationship with dealer is essential.
my short list would include Audio Connection in Verona and make a trip down DC way...
the MAC gear you have is capable of fantastic sound....
i heard your amp driving big Magnaplaners the other day - Jacintha at 15 ips on my old backup 15 ips Revox B77 half track... freaking eye watering good

ya might not even need to spend your budget....

Dave and Troy raise some interesting questions:

1: Is the size and look of the loudspeakers important?

Few small speakers can fill a big room at high SPLs without significant thermal and/or mechanical compression.  Briefly, having a fair amount of speaker headroom above the loudest anticipated peaks helps to keep those peaks uncompressed.  Uncompressed peaks = better dynamic contrast = more emotion from the music, because musicians use dynamic contrast to convey emotion.  I like to shoot for 10 dB of speaker headroom above the loudest anticipated peaks. 

2: Are you willing to look at fringe brands you can not easily demo?

It's probably not worthwhile buying a plane ticket to audition a $1000 speaker.  However it might be worthwhile buying a ticket to audition a  $10,000+ speaker IF it seems to meet your criteria exceptionally well and the only real question left is how it sounds.  I used to sell fairly expensive speakers (Sound Labs) and most of my customers bought a plane ticket to audition them.   

3: Are you the type of person who would prefer getting the sevice and support of a larger manufacturer vs dealing with some of the issues with smaller companies?

I disagree with the implication here that small manufacturers do not offer customer service every bit as attentive as the big boys (and maybe ever moreso sometimes), though I will admit that our delivery times are usually longer.  But there is one thing a big company with a dealer network CAN offer you that us little guys usually cannot - the DEALER!   If you find a dealer who takes good care of you and who sells a speaker that meets your criteria and makes the magic happen for you, then by all means offer him your business!  And if not, well, you still have options.


dealer/manufacturer/on both sides of the fence

Duke - I should amend my post to say dealer and or manufacturer relationship


i still think the power handling requirement in this case is absurd.....

in my mobile recording endeavor I experience a few people with hearing damage

protect yours!!!!