Most high end loudspeakers are not designed to handle massive amounts of power without blowing up.
The Legacy Aeris and Focus models can handle that kind of power and can easily fill a large room.
The Paradigm Persona 7F can handle that kind of power as we already had a client pass that kind of power. The Kef Blades can handle that kind of power although we did have a set of Ref 5 that got the uni-q damaged with 1,000 watts into a 4 ohm load.
So with all of these issues you have a few questions to ask yourself:
1: Is the size and look of the loudspeakers important?
2: Are you willing to look at fringe brands you can not easily demo?
3: Are you the type of person who would prefer getting the sevice and support of a larger manufacturer vs dealing with some of the issues with smaller companies?
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ