Anyone try KT150 in Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP

I love my HP. I've had it over a year and have rolled KT120 into it from the EL34. I like both sets. But the EL is more "liquid". The sound is awesome. With the KT120s I like the added power and punch. But it can be a bit fatiguing. It's the midrange glare that I notice most. So I wonder if anyone has rolled KT 150s into it. Does it keep most of the niceness of the EL 34s?  Do the 150s have less of that midrange glare?  

What at are your thoughts if you've tried this?  Maybe Kevin Deal has an opinion?  
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This is a tough thread to read. Just bought the Premium Dialogue HP integrated and already I'm looking at spending another 800 or so on KT150's... I will try it with the stock EL34s and see how they do. It sounds like everyone is reporting a sizeable upgrade with the KT150's though. 
Yes, I am still very happy with the KT150s.  They increase the bass response, and the power they have helps deliver very tight, fast bass.  Plus all the good midrange that the EL34s gave as well.  Great all around tube!  Highly recommended.

As to the $800, yes it's a big one.  I found mine on eBay from vendor wpc1896.  I paid under $600 shipped.  If it's allowed, here is a link to his post for $271 for a quad with free shipping.  That'll get you a set of 8 for about $550. 

By the way, I think it depends on your speakers.  If they don't have a lot of bass, you may not notice the upgrade to KT150s.  I have full range Revel F208 and I notice for sure.
I am using KT150s in my HP mono-blocks. I have been running almost exclusively in triode mode. My speakers are Wilson Audio Sabrinas. No lack of bass or definition. I'm always amazed at how "real" everything sounds. Puts a smile on my face every time.