Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
I have no idea what is best. I do know that I am very happy with my Rowland Continuum 500. It has the blackest background and is really easy to listen to. I've compared it to a few other pricey integrated amps and it easily won out for me. I wish I could hear half of the amps mentioned in this thread as I bet they are killer. One of these days, I'd like go pick up a tube integrated for my bedroom system. I should mention that the Continuum replaced a VTL pre/power.
Lfd ncse! Just kidding. Superb for me, but it's in the eye or ear of the beholder...
I second Notec on the Leben. I just auditioned one in the past week, but its smaller bro: check out this superb review.
Pricey, but is extremely high quality and will last a lifetime...note the point to point wiring. If too expensive, consider a cheep interim solution like an NAD320BEEE and patiently wait to pounce a on a good deal for your dream.
Is there a "best" integrated? I like my Musical Fidelity A5 coupled two my dynaudio's...but that's just me.