Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?

I realise that the music industry seems to care less and less about timbre, see

But for me, without timbre music reproduction can be compared to food which lacks flavour or a modern movie with washed out colours. Occasionally interesting, but rarely engaging.

So my question is, what are your loudspeaker candidates if you are looking for a 'Technicolor' sound?

I know many use tube amps solely for this aim, but perhaps they are a subject deserving an entirely separate discussion.
@chrissain I find that they do everything well, or at least okay, but nothing exceptional. It’s almost as if they’re more interested in checking off all of the boxes. It’s safe. It’s the worst kind of product.

They lack the crazy visionary. The Steve Jobs. The Elon Musk.

Sound is not just science. It’s also art. My ears want to be inspired. I need that ASMR. But after a few minutes of listening, I rather go on a bike ride, or something.

I heard the entire Be line at the NYC store.
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Do you think it has to do with what they are being partnered with when you addition them? I don't really care for the levinson house sound and that is what they usually are paired with at shows. I will tell you most of of my friends that don't have FU money I know and are in this hobby have one thing in common, revels. And they can make them sound spectacular, and by that that I mean engaging and down right fun to listen to. I used to sell hi end gear at the two best stores in Minneapolis. I have had extensive experience listening to some of the most esoteric the industry offered, too many to list,  and most of the time they only disappointed me. Revel on the other had has constantly surprised me with their performance verse their price. They used to be made in California and wish they still were, and that's my only nicpic. As for sound I personally haven't heard a speaker that sounds more real for the price. Serious question, what do you like better?  
I know that with everything, details matter. A neutral low distortion speaker can sound amazing or awful,  depending on set up in the room and the gear behind it. I can't tell you how many times I have seen audiophiles try to spend their way out of a problem that can't be fixed just because of the room, or they are too lazy to experiment with speaker placement and the like. 
@chrissain This was at the flagship Harman store in NYC with ML equipment, so if they can't set it up to sound nothing short of spectacular, that's on them. Mark Levinson stuff is okay, it used to be better. Levinson is hiding out in Europe, trying to evade taxes these days.

I hope you realize that I was messing with you a bit in some of my responses, I would never want anyone to listen to or own equipment they don't emotionally connect to. Everyone hears differently and has different preferences. That's what makes this so much fun and that's why we have so many options.

I just get irked when people put so much faith in Harman's testing/listening room, which was created by their marketing department. 

As for other speakers... If we're still talking about Samsung speakers, then I would pick JBL Synthesis any day over Revels.

I personally own speakers from Devialet, B&W, and Goldmund. And electronics from Devialet, SME, and Micromega.