Best Cartridge for $1000-$1350?

Hello... I have an RPM3 turntabe (Sumiko Blue Point No. 2) with a Tube DS preamp (Golden Lion tubes). Im considering upgrading the cartridge. What MC cartridge in the price range of $1000-$1350 works good with this type of turntable/tonearm and preamp? I listen to Classic Rock (40%), Pop (30%), Greek (20%), Jazz/Orchestra (10%). In order of importance: Sonics, Soundstage, Air, Musical, Detail, Frequency Response, I guess the holy grail. Hope you can help. Thanks.
Now that the OP is settled in with his new Hana cartridge, may I ask what you thought of the AT VM760. I’ve had my eye on that one. I think the 2M Black may be too much of a truth teller for me. I like to be lied to.... (-:

I think the 2M Black may be too much of a truth teller for me.

If you're looking for the real truth tellers then read this TAS article and find yourself Stanton 881s mkII with Stereohedron stylus. Actually the closest to the Stanton 881s mkII is Pickering XSV-3000 (Stereohedron). Both carts are in $300-400 price range. 

Dear @fjn04 ; Is extremely dificult to say " to much true teller for me " with out listen it. Unfortunatelly with phono cartridges we can't do it beforen  pull the triger.

Now, the AT VM760 as the Ortofon comes from a very high " pedigree " manufacturer as an Audio Technica that's a guarantee just by its name but the VM720 is the latest designs:

you can't wrong with in anyway. Go a head ! and have fun and come back to share your newest experiences with.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Hmmm- Didn't see the VM720 on the AT site. Sure wish they had threaded holes, but it is what it is..... With Koetsu, you have to go to URUSHI to get threaded holes. Very Strange! Also looking at Audio Note IQ 3. This darkhorse begins life as a Goldring, and then AN does some wiring changes. The plan is this cartridge will go in to the MM phono of my little Croft phono Int amp. The latter powering Harbeth P3’s. Table is WT Amadeus.
@fjn04 VM760SLC is a fine cartridge. I still have it like new in box. I may use it sometime in the future. Unless someone here wants to make me an offer.

It’s probably my second favorite MM after 2M Black. It has a lot of detail and drive, but the midrange is slightly recesses. Very typical of Audio Technica sound. I do prefer the VM760SLC to 150MLX and to ML170.

But the holography and sheer brilliance of the 2M Black is out of this world. When listening to the 2M Black, it feels like the mind has gone on this fantastical journey and the real world no longer exists.