How to connect a subwoofer into a mono block system

I'm interested in adding a subwoofer into my audio system. I have a new Audible Illusions M3B driving Welborne Labs Laurel Iix ultimate mono block amps and ProAc 50 Signature speakers. I've been confused by material on the web as to how to do this so as to insure that the subwoofer is seeing exactly the same signal that the ProAcs receive. Any recommendations, both as to how to best do this, but also on subwoofer choices?
Thanks to you both for the guidance. What didn't you like about the REL sub, rhljazz? Which one did you have? My room is small, with very limited space for anything large, but I believe the ProAcs would benefit from bass support.
REL subs are superb, IME. Having said that, to add just one to a pair of monoblocks is not ideal. Since REL subs are balanced by design, a single sub running off the taps of the amps ( not speaker) can be problematical. REL suggest two (2) subs if a mono block system is utilized.That is how I have done it with my mono block amps.
Having two rel subs and monoblock amps I just use the Speakon sub connector with the three wires hooked up to the amps speaker terminals and to chassis ground, run the main speakers full range and just use crossover in subs to adjust for main speakers. 
acuaticdoc, I had the B3 model.  Just a single sub.  I couldn’t make it do what I wanted to hear.  I wanted to hear the “kick” in the kick drum.  I wasn’t looking for a heavy gravitas sound, with the room being so called pressured.  This type of sound seems to be what REL strives for.  Plenty of people apparently like it but I prefer a more natural presentation.
 I ended up with a pair of Gallo Acoustics cylindrical subs.  They are a sealed design and extremely compact.  They do exactly what I wanted.