Some Basic Center Channel speaker reccomendaitons

This is sort of a cross-post for one in the speaker forum, but did not get much of a response. I use a vintage pair of ADS 1090 small towers as my L & R fronts and im looking for a center channel. So if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate the input. Now this is for non critical TV?Movie listening so I’m not expecting a perfect or even ideal match. Brief review of some of the HT forums reveals these are the usual recommendations

Ascend Acoustics

So I would appreciate any thoughts on the above, other recommendations or suggestions re a possible timbre or sonic signature . Would also be curious if anyone has any opinions on trying one of the traditionally "warmer sounding" brands ....maybe something like a Sonus Faber or Vienna Acoustics.

My other thought would be maybe ask a builder like fritz to make something up....

My only requirement is it I’d like to keep it seven inches or shorter....thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Now this is for non critical TV?Movie listening so I’m not expecting a perfect or even ideal match.
My only requirement is it I’d like to keep it seven inches or shorter
How about a sound bar?
Agreed.  Those ADS 1090 have a rather unique looking midrange and tweeter.  I can be close to impossible to find a matching center channel  for this.  You could try, but expect to have mismatched sonic signatures.  You are likely better off starting from scratch and getting matching components if you want a 3-channel system.
If you're not up for buying three matching speakers, what about just setting your prepro or AVR to "phantom" for center channel (if you haven't already) since this is for non-critical listening?

If you're definitely keeping your speakers that you're obviously not going to be able to match and this is non-critical listening, I'd go for something neutral that goes reasonably low so at least you'll have clarity and fullness of vocals.  Nothing worse than muddy- or boxy-sounding or shrill- or thin-sounding vocals from a center speaker.  Under these circumstances I don't think you need to spend all that much either.  Here's a very good one for $269.  I know someone who has one and it's neither bright nor warm, and vocals sound very neutral and natural through it.  It is a shade over 7.5" with its footers installed, but if you can make it work I think you'll be very happy with its performance.  They offer a generous trial period so you can see for yourself if it works for you.  Best of luck.
Thanks for the replies.   I’m well aware this mismatch goes against the grain but just looking for a stopgap for now.  

Re Aperion.  Don’t know much about them I’ll take a look.  Don’t know what they do that would be a major difference than other ID vendors such as rsl emotiva and or chane 
I would avoid the Emotiva and Chane speakers because the ribbon tweeters are likely going to be very different. The Ascend and Asperion options look good for a "somewhat closer" match. The use softdome tweeters like your ADS.