I’ve had my hands inside of more equipment than some have seen with their eyes.
from $5 to $100k+, every single one of them could be improved upon.
The better built, the more time it might take to find a spot or point that can be properly improved, vs simply made different, but the record is as it is. The improvement may not be viable or practical, but they do indeed exist as things that could be done. Everything can be improved.....
I’d wager that the better designers feel the same, but in the end, it’s always a trade off.
Eg, one can take the lid off a $10-30k-etc amplifier and stand there with you, and talk for half an hour (pointing, explaining, and so on) on all the things that could be improved upon. Some practical, some not.
Everything has to have and does have a price point --and price points have trade offs.
You could say, "here’s a $10k mc transformer/pair, considered to be the best and perfect", a simple device, right? And I could say, "not so fast....let’s cut that open with a bandsaw, and talk about this". Like, the insulation dielectric on the wire(10-20 minutes right there), the formulation of the wire element/alloy (another 20 minutes), the core material and design, changes to the core material, solders, casing, noise rejection, mounting. winding technique, RCA jacks.... a whole pile of stuff. Might be a one hour talk on what looks like a simple transformer--but is not all that simple, in the end.