Recommend Affordable Integrated Amps (Solid State or Tube)

Looking for an affordable, good sounding integrated amp costing no more than $3500. It must be able to play CDs and Vinyls as well as digital music from iTunes (some 30,000 songs) stored in AIFF format. Currently have an Accuphase E 307 integrated amp  using Kimber Kable interconnects and speakers cables with jumpers. Current speakers are KEF Q700. Analog is Linn Basic with an Akito tone arm and Rega Exact 2 Cartridge. CD player id a Marantz 5004. I listen mainly to jazz, R&B, Pop, world, etc. at moderate listening volumes. Room size is about 17 x 24 feet with 8 foot ceiling.
Would love to have suggestions. 
To all of you I thanks you for your suggestions. I am reviewing all of them. There are some very excellent suggestions for my needs. Thanks again.
From what I read the Accuphase E 307 is a nice integrated. What is it you don't like about it? alot of the above suggestions may be a step down or sideways.
Hi Tsugury, I love this equipment. It is a great integrated for the music that I like as well the manner in which I use it.
I have been following audio equipment since 1969 and have had many different systems, speakers, pre amps, amps, turntables, cassette decks, reel to reel, you name it. Prior to retirement I changed the components on a somewhat frequent basis.  Most of the equipment has been  very good and some quite expensive. I guess the bottom line is I want to try something different and if I find it unacceptable I will move on to something else. As you stated, this is a nice integrated amp; very nice. Obviously I don't want to step down and change is not always the best. I hope that I don't regret it.
That is a very nice integrated. Have you thought about changing the speakers, or cd player? just a thought. 

Halo H6, pretty hard to beat for the money. Has all the features you are looking for. I have one in my system that replaced a really good tube line stage and separate phono also tube with an excellent solid state power amp. I have been in this hobby since 1969 and have owned just about everything. Even sold high end audio in Europe as well as the States.