Recommend Affordable Integrated Amps (Solid State or Tube)

Looking for an affordable, good sounding integrated amp costing no more than $3500. It must be able to play CDs and Vinyls as well as digital music from iTunes (some 30,000 songs) stored in AIFF format. Currently have an Accuphase E 307 integrated amp  using Kimber Kable interconnects and speakers cables with jumpers. Current speakers are KEF Q700. Analog is Linn Basic with an Akito tone arm and Rega Exact 2 Cartridge. CD player id a Marantz 5004. I listen mainly to jazz, R&B, Pop, world, etc. at moderate listening volumes. Room size is about 17 x 24 feet with 8 foot ceiling.
Would love to have suggestions. 
My speakers are Tyler Acoustics Highland H3's and the room is 24 X 28 with 10' ceilings. The Hint 6 drives these with ease. If you need more power just biamp with a Halo 21. Other components are an Oppo BDP 105 and a Harmon Kardon  T65C turntable. 
The Hint 6 can be bought for less than retail if you shop around. I also owned two of the original Hints and liked them very much as well. 
I never could afford the most expensive components but always tried to find the best value for my money.
Obviously we all perceive sound differently and all rooms are different in the way they react with speakers and components. If you can, try what you can at home not just in a show room. 

Hi guys! I'm considering purchasing a used E-560 for USD 4000 to drive my Elac Adante AS-61. Im quite new to this hobby, so I'm hoping to be able to get some advice from more experienced listeners here. Do share your thoughts. Thank you 🙏

Just some background, before I saw the E-560 on the used market, I was planning to go for Parasound Hint 6 or Parasound P6 pre and perhaps A21 / A21+ (that's apparently coming out in a couple of months). Right now I'm just using a Yamaha Aventage rx-a1060 AVR so it's not ideal for music listening.

Sounds like you are maybe looking for 1 box to fill your needs.  If not, I'd look to get something with tubes with a separate phono stage and DAC which I believe would be much superior to any SS integrated listed above.  Just my opinion.  BTW, I also have a Linn Basik/Akito with an AT95E cartridge.  Great table for the money.  Previously had a Thorens TD125 mkII/Rega RB303/Grado Red and can very happily live with the Linn...

The Hint 6 and E-560 will sound fairly similar - both very neutral but I imagine the Accuphase is a little warmer, which would be my choice with your speakers. It will hold its value well and is more of an heirloom piece as it has higher grade parts, and is hand-built in Japan, in small quantities, vs mass produced in Taiwan.

I had the original Halo and it had some transformer hum along with an issue with the volume pot. It began to distort and Parasound replaced the pot under warranty. Excellent customer service to their credit - best I’ve experienced in this hobby. The Hint 6 uses a resistor ladder volume control - superior to any Alps pot, so at least they addressed the problem in the redesign. The Accuphase very likely uses a similar volume control, as do Yamahas. The Yamaha amps have greater channel separation than the original Halo, so I wouldn’t doubt Parasound’s claim that the Hint 6 benefits in that regard.
I also have a Linn Basik/Akito and use a Sumiko Pearl...highly recommended assuming they still make ’em (Sumiko has recently released a pile of new cartridges ). I keep thinking I should replace the Basik with some fancy new table, but it works so well I just keep the using damn thing. Also, I suggest a Jolida tube integrated and whatever phono gizmo you need...Jolida makes bulletproof amps that give you loads of tube mojo which many feel is better for your listening health than SS amps...I agree.