Phono cable advice.

What are some good phono cable options for around $150ish and under? So far I’m looking at BJ LC-1 and Zu Audio Mission cables. This would be for between my Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC Esprit and most likely (still looking) a MoFi StudioPhono preamp. I have an extra pair of Kimber Silver Streak cables but they don’t look insulated well enough. I’ll be running DH Labs Air Matrix from my preamp to KEF LS50 Wireless speakers. I’d like something I can grow out a little with as I incrementally upgrade things. Stylus (Blue 2M?) is probably next.

Thanks for any input.
for me the phono cable must have the lowest capacity (pf) possible; many manufacturers of phono cables, this important parameter almost never indicate it.

After having tried different cables in the past lately I find myself very well using the Van Den Hul D102 Mk3, very low capacity with pin rca input and pin rca output; excellent ratio q/p
Just got my amp back today, left channel went out. Found out a faulty cable was the culprit for the damage to the amp. Just ordered Zu Audio Mission with the WBT nextgen connectors. Au24's are going back to Audience for free lifetime repair and an upgrade. One can never have too many cables. 

Side note: Listening to the only rca's avail, those being my Wireworlds which are satisfactory for my dig end, but aren't even close to the Audience. I never expected them to be. It's better than nothing!

I think Atmasphere would agree that in certain environments, like in the middle of any big city, near power lines or large electric devices, it would make sense to use shielded phono cables.  Also, if you don't or can't carefully route your phono cables so as to avoid RF and EMI radiating from your own equipment (or your own refrigerator, for example), it would make sense to have shielding.  But, like certain calculations in higher mathematics, once you know the rules, it's OK to break them.  I make my own cables.  I usually twist the strands of wire (hot with ground or the + and - phases of a balanced signal) to cancel noise, rather than to add a discrete shield.  (Twisting also adds capacitance; there's no free lunch.) I've never felt the need for a circumferential shield on such a cable. On the other hand, I would agree that most commercial phono cables have an integral shield; you're stuck with it. (I live in a suburb of Washington, DC, where there is not much industry and no power lines nearby, etc.)

best-groove, IMO, it's more important to be aware of the capacitance of your particular phono cable, rather than to take such pains to minimize capacitance that you compromise other aspects.  By knowing the capacitance per foot, you can incorporate the total number of pF's into your calculation of the capacitance load on the cartridge.  This is most important for MM types.  Any decent phono cable should not add much more than about 150 pF to the load, usually less, sometimes much less. Some MMs require much more than 150 pF for optimal loading, the rest  are OK with up to 100 pF. So, for many MMs you end up adding C on top of the inherent cable capacitance, rather than subtracting it. Capacitance is much less important for MC types.

I strongly second Dave Pogue's recommendation regarding a "cable cooker".  Anti-cables told me that my new phono cable would require 500 hours of burn-in, assuming only normal use carrying the signal from a cartridge.  I put it on my cooker for 5 full days, and yowzer!
I’m going to send my other Audience interconnects in too for the uprade. It’s cheap. $300 and you get a completely new cable. Upgrades are great when reasonably priced!