The sense of smell evokes memories, while the sense of hearing evokes emotions

MrD, you touched upon this in your recent post.
I thought it was a subject worth discussing here.
Music can move us through emotional connection, it is well known.
A question for all of you.
Does playing your music on your system increase emotional connection more than playing it through a less HiFi system? 
One aspect of audio equipment marketing is for it's technical ability to bring us closer to the music by "getting out of the way" disappearing as some reviewers say. Suppose there was a speaker or amp that excelled in providing emotional connection, but measured poorly. Would you be willing to disregard the measurements and just go with your ears or  your heart and soul? I believe that SET / horns systems are an example of this. This is not about promoting SET / horns, but just brought up as an example that some people may have already reached this conclusion. Just my thoughts, I welcome civilized and rational comments. I am open to those with a deeper understanding of this subject.

I don’t think Hiefitz fits civilized and rational though. More like spellbound and entranced. Cheers to Genius and talent !!
capstan, I did appreciate your post on that thread, and I am sorry I did not respond. The answer to your question ( I believe ) is YES. As I mentioned, I listen to much music, in the car, on the patio, at poolside, clubhouse, and more. However, my main system is for " serious " listening, as, I want to " dive in ", and be in the audience. I am in a 55 + community, and although I have my own home, without any shared walls, I usually listen in the afternoon, so I can " open " the system up. I might be using 2 watts, if that much, for most of it. On peaks, I am sure more. I have never been as happy with planar, electrostatic, or conventional dynamic speakers ( and I, like many here, have owned some really stellar products ), as much as horns. I have stated many times why this is, but, I know my experiences and preferences are more appreciated on other Forums ( such as the Klipsch site ), because many share my enthusiasm and enjoyment for the same. But, to each his / her own. There is a plethora of fine products out there, and there is something for everybody. The key, is finding what you like, and build on that. I am happy you can sit and enjoy your music. I know too many, who, in a week, change a product, one after the other, after the other. And, I also know, many who feel as I do, with their systems. Never a right or wrong. Anyway, thanks for the mention ! Enjoy ! MrD.
Be it sight, sound, the smell, the touch.
There's something,
Inside that we need so much,
The sight of a touch, or the scent of a sound,
Or the strength of an arquebus deep in the ground.
The wonder of flowers, to be covered, and then to burst up,
through tarmack, to the sun again,
Or to fly to the sun without burning a wing,
To lie in the meadow and hear the grass sing,
To have all these things in our memories hoard,
And to use them,
To help us,
To find...
George +1 . Intro to Ride my SeeSaw, by the Moody Blues. Cool ! ptss, what about vocalists ? What about the musicians ?( musicianship ). These instruments are not playing themselves. BTW, ever replace the M22 ? Enjoy ! MrD.
I like old blues recordings. The emotional content of such music is its strong point. I do not appreciate it any more on my hi-fi system than I do my "low-fi" system.

I also like some totally throw away pop music. With some of that the system doesn’t make a lot of difference to me either.

But I want to listen to Steely Dan, Rush, Floyd and Dire Straits on my hi-fi.

Also agree with above regarding context. I’m a bit of a foodie and amateur cook. But when I’m down at my country place I can enjoy and even relish a can of Vienna sausages with a Budweiser and a pile of Cheetos on a paper plate.