Zerostat Milty really?

Ok. So I have massive amounts of static at times when playing vinyl. So much so that it can pull my arm from my table (Thorens TD-124) onto the platter when removing the lp. I am worried I will ruin my stylus when it hits. So I bought the Zerostat and have been using it according to the instructions and the static is still out of control. Is this thing for real or what? Am I doing something wrong? Please help. 
Slaw, For what it's worth, my admonition to the OP that he should be sure he is using his Zerostat correctly should not be construed as a negative post.  Even if he did read the manufacturer's instructions, we all make errors in interpreting the written word, on the odd occasion.  So maybe he needs or needed to re-read them. Maybe not.

Furthermore, without much effort you can find at least 3 different ideas that circulate on the internet about what is the "correct" way to use these static guns, each slightly different from the other.  For example, contrary to what Lowrider wrote, I have been led to believe that the Zerostat (or Xerostat) should NOT click during the very slow pulling or releasing of the trigger, for best results.  I'm not even saying that Lowrider is incorrect; I am only pointing out the vagaries of static removal.
Simple test-do you grind your own coffee beans? If you do, you've experienced coffee bean grounds clinging to the catch-basin. Practice with your Milty Zerostat. If you don't see the clinging grounds drop off like dead flies, there is something wrong. 
I’ve had static on my records. I notice it when I lift the record off the matte and hear the static charge. Things I do to minimize it include wiping the matte lightly with distilled water. I also use a carbon brush from Bags Unlimited.

I do use a humidifier now that temps are dropping and the heat is on. I avoid paper sleeves and use MOFI inners.

The Zerostat did not work well for me either and I tried every procedure including holding it between my cheeks and walking slowly away from the TT while gently squeezing...

What worked really well (while I had it) was an anti-dust brush for negatives that I used in college (1970’s) when I was doing black&white negative developing in my kitchen. It may not be sold anymore because it had a small bit of radioactive material just above the bristles. I misplaced it and am still looking for it...

Just checked, the brush is still being sold:

It is expensive and Polonium has a 6 month half life so you will need to buy refills. 

I am going to try weaving a copper wire down the center of my carbon brush and run a connection to an outlet. That might work?
Buy an ion generator type air purifier and a humidifier. Problem solved! There are a number of anti static sprays, some of which are long lasting, some aren’t, if problem persists. I even have one, Sonic Tonic. Nordost has had for like forever.