Phono cable and preamp for soundsmith Carmen mk2

A year ago I decided to update my stereo system and soon after also thought I should be able to play my vinyls (not played in 15-20 years).
I started of with a modest turntable, a used project 2Xperience SB(~1500$), supplied with original turntable cable (PRO-JECT CONNECT-IT E for ~50$). Cable has low capitance but is porly shielded.
Didn’t have a clue about what pickup to choose. After a recommendation I purchased a Soundsmith Carmen Mk2, a moving iron cartridge. I believe it can be used with an improved setup.

For preamp I bought a project Phono Box DS2 USB(~500$), I thought it would be nice to be able to record some of my old albums. I did set it up with a optic cable towards my amplifier. Something was missing, I learned that it was a mistake to use optic cable, the sound was clear but not analog. Now I use a Pangea Premier Interconnect (RCA) between phono preamp and amplifier.

This weekend I have evaluated better turtable cable, a Oyaide PH-01RR RCA-RCA (170$) with total capacitance:160pF (cable 100pF/m ). It was an improvement, mostly due to shielding I belive.
It is said to be designed for MM, but to my knowledge has rather high capitance:
I have now learned that MM cartridges should be used with cables of low capitance, I assume that is valid for MI as well. One of the recomended, at my current price range and knowledge, is Furutech AG-12 R4(~500$). Do not know if the furutech is the best for MI/MM.

- Any suggestion regarding turntable cable (2rca->2rca+ground)?
- What are the parameters I should look into?
- Should I go for a silver cable? Shielding and contacts?

Considering updating phono preamp to Soundsmith MMP3 mk2 Phono Preamp, should match the Carmen. Can’t find many reviews. Max phono preamp cost perhaps 1500$.
The aim is that the preamp could be used with a better turntable, perhaps a VPI scout. Will turntable cable caracteristics have impact on the MMP3 settings and finally sound properties/quality?

I’m not a true audiophile but I appriciate ”good” sound quallities!
I do not have possibillty to try to many types of cables due availabillity and distance to shops.


Ps Sorry about the poor english, I from Sweden :-)

My favorite phono preamps are Parasound JC3+, Micromega MyGroov, and Parasound JC3 Jr., in that order.

The best tonearm cable (DIN to RCA) that I found after testing more cables than I can count, is the  Ortofon 6NX-TSW-1010 L.
@rauliruegas MI cartridges are very sensitive to capacitance. I know from experience from using Ortofon 2M Black, Nagaoka MP-500, Stanton, etc. 
Do yourself a favor ...
If you’re using MM or MI cartridges you need a phono stage with optional loading, yes it is. You need at leat 47- 100k Ohm range, not just fixed 47k! You can also go lower than 47k. In my opinion 100k Ohm is perfect, but it depends on the cartridge. The best phono stage for MM cartridge is JLTi mk5 with upgraded SPU, you can but it with shipping for under $1100 from Australia. I have many MM cartridges and this phono stage is a hust have. Soon i want to upgrade my mk4 version with that new SPU. The mk4 without special PSU was just $750! It’s silid state phno stage MM/MC.

You can ask the manufacturer to change internal resistors to 500k Ohm and then you will be able to use 100k Ohm for MM or anything you want. JLTi (like Herron) allow us to plug parallel load resitors (RCA plugs on the back side of the phono stage).

As for the cables: try Zu Audio Mission mkII with WBT here or look for Mission Phono mkI on ebay auction directly from the manufacturer (you can get amazing price at the end of auction). Top quality phono cables! 
@chakster I’m not sure why you’re again recommending 100K loading. Yes, it works for very few vintage MM cartridges, but most of the time it doesn’t. Especially for modern cartridges. Ever taken measurements?

100K loading creates a huge 5-10dB peak at around 10kHz (with normal cable/phono capacitance 200-250pF) and a very steep drop after that. Cable capacitance also becomes critical with 100K load. Large capacitance means the peak travels down the frequency range bellow 10kHz and sounds horrible. 

In order to push this peak up to over 15kHz, one will need a phono preamp which is stable with no input capacitance (so probably a compromised design elsewhere) and a cable so low in capacitance that it probably doesn’t exist. 

If this peak peak with a 100K load can be pushed to over 15kHz, then yes, the sound will have more “air.” But recommending this blindly to everyone means that 99.9% of MM/MI users will be hit with a severe peak at 10kHz and completely shunted high frequencies after that. This will and does sound very bad.
@invictus005 I do recommend a phono stage with optional loading for MM/MI cartridges, everyone can decide what's the best. Normally phono stage designers simply ignoring the fact that MM can be alternatively loaded. 

I do recommend it because all my favorite cartridges manufactured with recommendation of using 47-100k Ohm in the manual. Grace and Victor for example. 

With optional loading it will take 30 seconds to get back to 47k Ohm. 

What people normally do with MC most of us never tried with MM.