Looking for an amp....Opinions about Odyssey or Bel Canto audio anyone?

Hey people, 
I'm looking at purchasing a new amp, stereo or possibly monos, and I've read very good reviews regarding Bel Canto, but not much regarding Odyssey audio and their offerings. Anyone with experience with either? I realize I'm comparing vastly different amps, but I need more power than my current class d amp gives me--I think my speakers would really benefit from the higher power. Odyssey amps look nice, but you have to spend a good amount of money to get anything over 180 watts. 

 I'm open to suggestions, but I was looking at a used pair of Bel Canto REF 1000Ms or a new Odyssey. 
Thanks in advance.
Are there any measurements for Van Alsine stuff?. They are highly recommended however.

You have never said what speaker you are attempting to drive and in what size room that needs these large amounts of power.
If you mean have they been reviewed by Stereophile then the answer is no. After over 40 years in business Frank has no reason to fudge on his published specs. They have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee so you can try them and see what you think. The SET 400, the 600 monos or even the Odyssey Kismet will easily push the top end of your new Aries. .
I'm driving Legacy Audio studio HDs. They can handle, and need some decent power to sound their best. Not mid-ranging enough for my taste, and I want more bass. I'm just not happy with my current amp-- no pun intended.