The JC1 has a better input stage and I wanted full monoblock for my front stage (including center channel). The A23 is fine for surround, but the center channel is the most important.
I actually got a pair of Bryston 7b3 monoblocks after I determined the Parasound was too slow/warm. The Bryston went way too far into the resolution/speed. It's about the highest resolution amp I've heard, but it responds so fast that the sound is there and gone before you can really hear it. It was not a match in my system and I did not want to "try to make it work" through stuff like gold-plated interconnect and cables. It actually could not keep up with my Emotiva in body and volume!
The Classe amplifiers were on my list, but a couple things put them down further on priority. One was silver color (though I could try to get CT models that had a black front). The other was the fan - I did not want to deal with a fan after years of usage. I will keep them in mind, though, and let you know if I decide to try another amp. My Parasound JC1 are fully loaded with all silver fuses now and I think that will get me to where I want.
My 1080p sony VW95ES projector is so good that I do not actually feel any need to upgrade to 4K at this time. It would be a minimum $14k investment to do that, since it would be at least $10k for a decent 4K projector and another $3.5k for Lumagen video processor. This doesn't include any expense for Oppo or other 4K bluray - and I would have to look at my processor, which does not support 4K. lol. If I were to do this type of thing in the future, I would probably get the latest MArantz (i.e. AV8805) and then start pulling the guts out and rebuilding - putting in faster op amps on digital I/V board and upgrading all caps to something like Nichicon KZ, etc.
I have thought about full range towers for my left/right, but I would first have to build new subs (which is an idea on the list). My subs are just about the same exact size of a SVS PB16-Ultra (massively huge) and towers would not really work for optimum positioning in my room. My current subs are about 28" deep and I would have to build taller and shallower subs so that I could place the towers in front of them and still keep the proper position and room acoustics. lol.
I actually got a pair of Bryston 7b3 monoblocks after I determined the Parasound was too slow/warm. The Bryston went way too far into the resolution/speed. It's about the highest resolution amp I've heard, but it responds so fast that the sound is there and gone before you can really hear it. It was not a match in my system and I did not want to "try to make it work" through stuff like gold-plated interconnect and cables. It actually could not keep up with my Emotiva in body and volume!
The Classe amplifiers were on my list, but a couple things put them down further on priority. One was silver color (though I could try to get CT models that had a black front). The other was the fan - I did not want to deal with a fan after years of usage. I will keep them in mind, though, and let you know if I decide to try another amp. My Parasound JC1 are fully loaded with all silver fuses now and I think that will get me to where I want.
My 1080p sony VW95ES projector is so good that I do not actually feel any need to upgrade to 4K at this time. It would be a minimum $14k investment to do that, since it would be at least $10k for a decent 4K projector and another $3.5k for Lumagen video processor. This doesn't include any expense for Oppo or other 4K bluray - and I would have to look at my processor, which does not support 4K. lol. If I were to do this type of thing in the future, I would probably get the latest MArantz (i.e. AV8805) and then start pulling the guts out and rebuilding - putting in faster op amps on digital I/V board and upgrading all caps to something like Nichicon KZ, etc.
I have thought about full range towers for my left/right, but I would first have to build new subs (which is an idea on the list). My subs are just about the same exact size of a SVS PB16-Ultra (massively huge) and towers would not really work for optimum positioning in my room. My current subs are about 28" deep and I would have to build taller and shallower subs so that I could place the towers in front of them and still keep the proper position and room acoustics. lol.