The sense of smell evokes memories, while the sense of hearing evokes emotions

MrD, you touched upon this in your recent post.
I thought it was a subject worth discussing here.
Music can move us through emotional connection, it is well known.
A question for all of you.
Does playing your music on your system increase emotional connection more than playing it through a less HiFi system? 
One aspect of audio equipment marketing is for it's technical ability to bring us closer to the music by "getting out of the way" disappearing as some reviewers say. Suppose there was a speaker or amp that excelled in providing emotional connection, but measured poorly. Would you be willing to disregard the measurements and just go with your ears or  your heart and soul? I believe that SET / horns systems are an example of this. This is not about promoting SET / horns, but just brought up as an example that some people may have already reached this conclusion. Just my thoughts, I welcome civilized and rational comments. I am open to those with a deeper understanding of this subject.

That’s more like it, MrD ;-) . The 24 refers to my preferred bass drum size (24"), the bdp to my favorite vintage drum wrap, black diamond pearl. I also like that all the letters are flipped versions of the same shape. Aesthetics matter!
Thank you all.
What a relief not to be ridiculed and attacked.
I was concerned that this could be taken the wrong way.
After all, by not spelling it out you all could have jumped to conclusions on your own.
Instead you all found a way to relate and add your take on it.
I do believe I came to the right place and look forward to sharing more as time permits.
I guarantee you that if this turns out to be a real, not imagined effect, we are all in for the time of our lives.
It has the possibility of opening up a whole new aspect of entertainment through music. No entertainment is not a good word for this, more like a drug effect. I have noticed that after hearing the effect, and then  switching to the unmodified speakers, if feels like someone is missing, taken away, something you don't know was there until you hear it and then it's taken away. Only after experiencing and having it taken away, can you appreciate the "effect". Before that you have no way for comparison. Furthermore, since I can't talk much about how this accomplished, I would like to bring up another aspect that was a complete surprise that once again became obvious only when A / B ing. The unmodified speakers are in phase to each other of course and I know many can hear absolute polarity, but have you ever thought that the speakers are "free running" even though they are in phase, in correct polarity whatever you want to call it , they are not locked to anything, as we would say in the video business, they are not "genlocked" to a master generator. For those not familiar with the term, it just means in sync with a master sync clock. What does this have to do with audio?
Not locked means freerunning, This is with a record on a TT as the source, nothing to do with DACs and clocks or jitter. What could this difference come from?
How about locked to LIFE, the materials that I'm using are from the earth, in their natural unrefined condition with some help from "chemistry" to increase their effectiveness. I am thinking that one of the previously unthought of reasons why reproduced audio does not sound live, is because it is not "locked to life" or maybe I should say not locked to the earth as all live sound must be to fit the definition of "live sound".
Yes, I know WTF is he talking about locked to life. Yes, this made my jaw drop and I hope I don't loose your all with this suggestion.
Stay with me, be open minded, don't jump to conclusions until you can hear this for yourself.
But think about, does that make sense to anybody?
I am only opening up because you all been so kind to me.
As I said, uncharted territory! 
Mr D thanks for the invitation, I will get back to you ASAP.
Time to walk the dogs in the hills behind my house now before it gets dark.

Hey n80!!  That country place you mention, was it by chance, once owned by your uncle before the motor laws?? 
It was, in fact, owned by my brother-in-law, and at this very moment there is a brilliant blue sports car sitting in the tractor shed. On weekends I often take it for a spin at insane speeds.Have never encountered a two lane wide air car but on occasion encounter Ferraris and Porsches.

Sorry to the OP for the diversion....but talk about a song with strong emotional content with the drums and bass that causes "adrenaline surges" at proper volume that does indeed get better with a good system!