Big vintage amps worth paying for and keeping for a long time

Lamm hybrids, Rowland 8t, Levinson 23.5 etc. How reliable are they and how expensive to fix if something goes wrong ? Capacitors, resistors needing replacement, after 25 years, 30 years, something else ?
I didn't mention Gryphon and Nagra, as examples, they are too expensive even old.
Octave Research OR-11986
85W/8 OHMS and never found a load it couldn't drive.
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My amp is a Proceed HPA2 that was given to me. It is built like a tank and weighs 100 pounds. I'm very happy with it. It was free and sounds great to my untrained ears.

I have heard that these amps have reliability issues, short lifespans and high repair costs. I sometimes wonder what I'd do if it dies because I've heard my speakers need all of the 250w the Proceed provides. I doubt I'd have enough budget to replace it with something comparable much less a pair of monoblocks.