To clarify my last post I’ll be needing roughly ten feet of speaker cable (about three meters) or maybe a little less depending on where the Magico A3’s sound best in the listening room.
Inna, I read a good review of the Museus but they were asking $1600 for ten feet. I’ll have to look around. They sounded promising. Maybe I can find a better price, or maybe used. I did spot some used Purist Audio products today when looking around but don’t recall which model. You might be on to something here. If my Ortofon 2M Black sounds a little bright I guess I’ll have to live with it. It was supposed to be well matched with the VPI.
Drrsutliff, thanks for recommending the Synchestra Signature Speaker Cables. I was just a few blocks away from the place you provided the link to only last week, when I drove up to Richmond, VA to pick up my Luxman, I could have stopped in and maybe got a demo. I’ll find a review if I can.
Glupson, It’s hard to know what to think about them mounting their own spades with all this cable esoterica in play. Audio Advisor said they can buy the same Audioquest Rocket 88 cable by the spool so you'f think it would be no big deal. I did see Audioquests next higher model Castle Rock for sale used for about $650, but only eight feet long, which would be cutting it a little bit close. I’ll keep looking.
I think you’re right. I’ll send you my PIN for safe keeping. I’m going to the one place in town that carries expensive cables and see if they’ll demo a few so I can see what the differences may be. I think they may only have Audioquests, but differently priced ones, so I should be able to tell something, maybe. I’m staring to get fried out on this subject, but I’m hanging in there. This is not the same fun as buying components.