Hypex N core module

Did you have experience with amplifier based on Hypex - NCore Technologies  
A statement George loves to repeat without practical data to back it up with.

The switching frequency is several 100sKHz at the very least and the output filter does not filter it out entirely. Regardless the filter does not have the effect at audio frequencies that George suggests.
The effect of the filter is to remove the switching frequency, which none of them do entirely. What is left is called 'the residual' and will be a sine wave at the switching frequency. It can't be heard, and because its a sine wave does not interfere with radio and the like. But it is energy, and should be unable to damage the tweeter. So it should be at a low level. The inductance of the speaker itself is often enough that the residual is of no consequence unless the switching frequency is stupid low (and there are no class D amps in production like that).
Isn't the Evolution model supposed to a step above the ST-10?  There's a thread about it on AudioCircle, I think.
@jackd nuprimeaudio stuff looks nice but I think the output from them is not competitive with rest of the market offering at this price. That may not be important for lot of folks I assume.  Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR): 91dB @ 10W is this competitive with rest of Class D offering?.
You all may want to check out Legacy's Powerbloc latest generation amps; I heard them in Atlanta driving Valor and Caliber XD and late this summer at Legacy driving Valor and Whisper XDS.  Frankly they opened my eyes to what is possible today with lower cost/higher value/well-designed amplification.  I don't know specs but believe Legacy would share anything that they have but they are definitely worth a listen before you spend more than their price point.
@zephyr24069 I literally have to decide between Legacy Powerbloc4 / ATI AT523NC / Benchmark AHB2 / Coda 15.5. ICE vs Hypex vs Class ABH vs Class AB(high bias class A). Price is all over the place too. So hard to compare.

Reviewers has a good impression of Class D amps till the end but they all add that Class D cannot reproduce Class A magic. It is just so confusing. 

What are the pros and cons of having SMPS vs Linear supply like difference between ATI vs Legacy Powerbloc4. I really wish most of amps have the lowest distortion till the first 10 watts. But some have inverted curve for the first few watts and then increase. 

At the end I think I just have to spend time and money to compare them at home and pick something.