Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Shall I put above power cords?

Although I have bluetack, it may not stay there.

I had tried to place it just above the equipment connecting to power cords?

Let me try different position and see what happens.

Hearing is believing.
amg56 What if the E-Cards technology is so simple and so safe that anyone could duplicate it, or maybe just simple enough for a company like Synergistic Research? I understand that could be the reason and reticence in releasing any more information other than it works.

My friend also does something to his products, that if revealed, would be easily and cheaply duplicated so he doesn’t let anyone know, just a 60 day money back guarantee.

Yes, put it above the power cords. If Blu-Tac doesn't work, you may want to try double sided tape.

Hope this helps.

By the way, tonight's session sounded better than this morning, so it looks like the E Cards will continue to improve just like the E Mats did.


.My questions have been answered by a number of like minded posters on the (and other) threads. Whether I agree or not is not relevant to me. I wanted to know HOW these work, just to satisfy the inquisitive engineer in me.

It is in my DNA to ask. I’ve always asked. The fact of asking places me in the doubters side immediately. But I can stand on the fence or be on the Yay side equally.

I know manufacturers will not give away technology secrets so easily. Heck, I wouldn’t if it were my IP.

So no offence given and non taken.

And when I can afford them I too might partake of these products.