I wonder how many audiophiles there are these days

There’s a lot of speculation about how this is a dying hobby. I’ve been at this for 40 years, and it certainly isn’t what it used to be. In the old days there were cars and stereos as “toys” and that was about it. Now there’s a long list of competition, together with a general lack of interest in high end sound quality (Pono didn’t make it, which was no surprise). 

My kids friends come over (millennials) and I often get a “wow”, and that’s about it. I keep an old vacuum tube in a drawer to hand them, for the inevitable question “what are those?”. Then I tell them about how I’d go to the drugstore with my dad and do the TV tube test as a regular activity, which usually leads to a strange look and a sudden desire to know what’s for dinner. 

Anyway, there are still many high end equipment companies, probably more than ever, but it’s likely most only sell a handful of units. Serious audio stores are pretty rare, witness the road trips some of us take to just hear a set of speakers. 

If if you define “audiophile” as someone that is seriously interested in this as a hobby, does serious research on components, and is willing to spend a significant sum (which is totally relative), how many of us are there? I suspect at least 10,000, but not more than 50. Total guess, I’m hoping it’s higher because it’s a great hobby and I’d hate to see it get any more rare. 

Probably more important, is whether interest has stabilized. I think it has. There seem to be a lot of younger guys in these forums as well.

What do you think? 

inna, why do you bother with this forum if it is so bad? Resident critic?

In addition to what has been mentioned I also wonder if there is a decline in solitary contemplative hobbies? Music as an industry is alive and well but I see most people enjoying it as an addition to whatever it is they are already doing.

I think reading is alive and well but as a solitary contemplative pastime it is a lot more mobile than a hi-fi system that requires you to be in a certain place, even a specific position to enjoy.
 Wallabies? Where?
I know this place has become a zoo of late but still.......
I stated it in another thread, but I’ll repeat it here:

After spending 40 years in the residential real estate business, it always amazed me the thousands of homes I went into over that period of time that had no books and no music. Video games, yes. Big screen TV’s, yes. Books and music? No.

We shouldn't forget though, that the world is a big place. As more and more people are pulled out of poverty worldwide due to capitalism, more people will be, and are, enjoying our hobby. I had a small high end manufacturer tell me one time that his best customers were based in Brazil. 
