Need speakers recommendation for my system (in Jakarta, Indonesia)

Hi all! Long time lurker first time poster here!

I am from Jakarta, Indonesia, in South East Asia so a bit far from the United States.. however I did spend about 8 years of my life in sunny California!

I am quite a newbie in the audiophile world, my current setup are as follows:
Speakers: Focal Chorus 726. Amp: Jadis orchestra reference integrated (with KT120 power tubes, the latest version), CDP: Rega Apollo, TT: Rega Planar 6 with MM cartridge from Rega (forgot the name).
My audio room size is: 6 meters by 5 meters (around 20 feet by 16 feet)
Type of music that I love: jazz, vocals, classical concertos, pop. 

I am looking to upgrade the focal floorstanders to the next level (around 5k-10k USD range), and have auditioned the following speakers in Jakarta: Sonus Faber Olympica II, sonus faber venere, ATC SCM40, PMC 26.25, Kef R800, B&W 8 series (the cheapest floorstander one), Tannoys (kensington, westminster, etc), focal kanta no 2.

So far the ones that I like best are the olympica II and the ATC SCM40 (these two are different price range, the ATC is the best value overall). The olympica II has the best characteristics that I am looking for: deep solid bass, transparent mids & highs, and very detailed sound. The SF venere is nothing special and can't compare with the olympica.
The ATC is amazing for its value: deep bass, very thick mid and highs, albeit not as airy and extended as the olympica II. The PMC has amazing detailed mid and highs, but the bass is very lacking IMO. The Kef R800 is a good all arounder, but nothing shouts "special" to me. The B&W speakers I just don't like: the sound is like "veiled" and not transparent at all. Also the tannoy setups I find very one dimensional (only good for vocals and do not play "crowded" music well (crowded like orchestra). 

I plan to audition more speakers such as: wilson audio sabrina (a bit out of price range), vienna acoustics, the magico A3 (am really keen to try this based on the recent rave reviews), and the Kharma S7 (I heard the Galileo exquisite and its mind blowing.. but definitely out of my price range) 

Would love to hear more recomendations for speakers! Hopefully I don't have to upgrade my jadis integrated amp to a higher power one to drive these new speakers! Thanks in advance!   

Sounds like a plan!

However by acquiring one of a digital streamer/music streamer/network audio player such as the Lumin, Aurender, Aurallic, Linn DS, Naim DS, DCS, Esoteric, etc you have access to high resolution materials so you aren’t limited to standard CD resolution and you don’t have to stream Tidal or Spotify. Some streamers have DAC some don’t. The standalone streamer (no DAC) can be connected to a DAC, even the ones that have built-in DAC you can bypass their built-in DAC and use them as digital transport to a standalone DAC.
Those high resolution PCM or DSD are way better than lower resolution CD quality. No comparison.

Don’t know if you have SACD collections. Marantz Reference series line makes pretty impressive CD/SACD players but they are much more expensive than regular Marantz series like the one you have.
Marantz SA10 CD/SACD player from its Reference series line is pretty impressive but it retails for $7k here. Esoteric and DCS also make phenomenal CD/SACD players and transports but are at different price points and are priced much higher than the Marantz SA10 Reference series.
Why not have a listen to the Yamaha NS 5000. They are made in Indonesia. I am trying to listen to them in USA but not yet available.

I heard the Magico A3 and it is pretty good. I was about to buy them but I found out the Yamaha NS 5000 Is available in Canada so I am expecting them to arrive to the USA. If not, I will listen to them in Toronto where my parents live. I am not going to buy the A3 until I hear the NS 5000.
@jadislover, I think you are taking the right approach to an upgrade.
Speakers first. No doubt they will reveal the shortcomings of your system, but you're intending to make other upgrades, so you'll eventually fix these weak links.

Since your sources are CD and vinyl, get the best quality components you can afford. In my case, I have thousands of CDs and records combined and I enjoy playing and collecting physical media. Now that my sources are set, I've expanded into streaming. For me it's an additional source, not a replacement.

IMO, matching speakers to your amp should be the starting point to your upgrade.
Just my 2 cents.

Dear jadislover,
As you have a Jadis amp, I recommend ProAC for your consideration also, given the brand’s synergy with tube amplification. I haven’t listened much to the newer Response DT8 or D30S, but my Response D30Rs have served me very, very well for almost five years. Your room is not too large, so perhaps even the Response D20Rs will work for you.
To me, ProAC speakers do not deliver the strongest bass, but do deliver it with consummate accuracy. The integration between the tweeters is wonderful, and so mids and highs also come across superbly. With proper source equipment, vocals and acoustic instruments are resolved precisely and with immaculate timing. On the more digital side (so to speak), electronic sounds are also represented unerringly.

All the best in your search, and happy listening.