Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
So I took the plunge and ordered a mat, ecards, and the TC paste.

My biggest question is where did people find the TC most effective? I'm not even sure where to begin with this stuff. Thoughts?
stevepo ...

Good decision and welcome to the club. :-)

Paste all of your connections. Start with the power cords, interconnects,  speaker wires ... any electrical connections. 

Last  monday I received 3 emats and 3 ecards. As I want to modify one thing at a time, I only put 2 emats under the Torus AVR16. 

This is a big 22 ‘’ deep and 125 Lb baby tht makes me think  2 are needed.
I sticked one directly under the transfo and the other one (under also), but nearer the electrical inputs.

I’ll install the third Emat in 3 weeks in the house breaker where there is one already installed.

Ecards are sticked 1 behind  the IPad and 2 under the router waiting to settle in the batteries PSU of my TW Acustic Raven AC.

So for the first 3 or 4 days things navigated from good to strange. Sometimes good on some messages and sometimes odd and uncomfortable.
Yesterday things began to settle down and made  me think the best is still to come and this idea made me feel happy.
 I’ll say more in a few weeks but what shoke me the most was the feeling of proximity with the singers and musicians. This « global » impression comes from objective parameters (highs, medium, naturalness, etc) that contribute to this, but the only interesting thing is the global result, meaning musical pleasure. That’s what all of us are looking for I guess ?
  Its good to see some new people talking about their experience with the e mats and tc.  Just remember the sound will get better as time goes on.  I now have 8 mats and a set of e cards and the sound I am getting is unbelievable.  I have never been happier with a tweak then with the combo of e mats and tc.  My speakers have vanished and my soundstage is around the whole room like never before,  very happy.
There must be something special about E-card.

I ordered one set (5cards) on last Sunday.

I received it Tuesday.

After placing near power cables on the equipment, the noise got reduced with more natural sound.

I ordered one more set.

Tim kindly sent me 6 E-cards.

It was really bad day today.

I lost 150 $ Blue fuse in Line Magnetic 508 amplifier.

I guess that power tube may had popped up leading to short.

I went back to Rogue Cronus Magnum II but it does not sound bad with 11 E-cards and 5 SR Blue cables and one Blue fuse inside Dac.

If I want to find out the contribution of each new tweaks, I have to do lot of substitution.

After blowing one of Blue fuse, I am not in such a mood to try that.

I am just enjoying the music through my old buddy, Rogue Cronus Maganum II.