Integrated Amp Recommendation

I have a Musical Fidelity A3.2 integrated amplifier that started making static when the volume is adjusted. The authorized repair shop informs me it needs a complete overhaul -- for $900. I am considering 3 options:

1) Repair it -- the repair shop tells me essentially they don't make them anymore like they used to and this is a great unit that I can get another 10 years out of.

2) Replace it with a Musical Fidelity M5si for $2k or a few hundred less for a factory-refurbished unit.

3) Something else... Rotel 1592? Parasound Halo?

The speakers are B&W 804's. Input is a Naim Uniti media server through a Naim DAC. No vinyl.

Any advice, recommendations and suggestions welcome!


Post removed 
Yes, I opened it up and sprayed it with contact cleaner but that didn't help.  It's also now making a slight popping noise occasionally when I play music -- even without changing the volume.   I spoke with the guy at Analogique and he said, although it's impossible to say without looking at the unit, that it would probably be a few hundred dollars to repair it.  But then who knows what else may go wrong.  I'm inclined to get a new one.  

Does anyone have an idea whether the A3.2 integrated amp would have resale value on Audiogon "as is"?