I.Q. Speakers from Germany ????

I purchased a set of TED 400's for a local used electronics store. Does anybody know anything about them? there really isn't anything i can find on the web other than the German mfg produced some high end equipement at one time.
IQ (= Intelligent Quality, if my memory serves me well), were active in the 80ies and 90ies when they put a plethora of different series on the market. The TEDs were fairly high up in the hierarchy and depending on the model went for something between DM 2000 and DM 3000. The all time flagship was the System One consisting of 2 separate subwoofer towers + 2 mid/high towers, the design of which Manfred Diesterich (yup, now Audiophysic) had been involved in. These went well over DM 20k and were reference gear to a few magazines. I can't judge the sonic qualities of the IQs from personal experience, what I do recall is they always looked like they were really superbly built. The company doesn't exist anymore for quite some time, well, at least not that I know of.
Give me until the weekend, perhaps I can find something on the TED 400.