I just got my new PS Audio Stellar gain set up and installed the Silnote Morpheus Reference Classic XLR cables. So far, I've only listened to it in Home Theater bypass mode, but I will say, in that scenario, I feel like I've lost a bit of clarity in the highs. I'm not sure if that might be the result of the Stellar Gain softening the highs, or the result of now involving two sets of analog interconnects in my chain.
I was previously using my Denon AVR as a pre-pro, so the Denon was connected directly to the Krell power amp. Now, there is one set of interconnects from the Denon to the Stellar Gain, and then the Silnote XLRs run to the Krell. I still need to listen to just the Stellar Gain playing into the Krell before making any strong judgements on the Silnote cables.