Flaws in this chain?

New to streaming and such. Is there a serious weak link in this chain?:

MacBook Pro with Tidal (hi res)------wireless to-----Apple TV-----toslink to-----Schiit Modi 2 Uber-----RCA cable to----Line stage.

I know that the Schiit is no great shakes in terms of a DAC but is there any other serious limitation in the chain? Thanks.

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Thanks, I did not see the adapter.

I guess my point is why spend even $150 to correct (purify, decrapify) the signal from a $100 Apple TV? Seems like I should save my money until I can come up with a better wireless solution....whatever that would be and however much that would cost. Of course, if that solution is going to be $1000 or more then I guess the iFi makes sense.

As far as the Schiit devices they are only for USB and optical connections, not Toslink. So no help there.

I'll do some testing this afternoon to see what my ears tell me.
@n80 .. there's nothing at all wrong with your system, but if you want an increase in fidelity you have options. First you should be aware that the ATV re-samples all audio to 16/48 then sends the signal on to your DAC. So, if you want to listen to some high res (MQA) via Tidal the first unfold is done by the Tidal software, then the ATV will re-sample your high res back down to 16/48. That is a lot of unnecessary manipulation of the signal and your sound quality will take a hit. I think the benefits of Tidal HiFi is kind of wasted on the ATV. A streamer like the Bluesound Node 2i is terrific if you want to spend $500. If not, you could always go the Chromecast Audio route for a cheap ($35) streaming alternative to the ATV. The CA uses a combo 3mm/mini-toslink optical port so all you'll need is an adapter or a new cable (mini-toslink optical - standard toslink optical). Lifatec makes a good one btw. Best of luck.
Thanks wtf. It really sounds like ATV is dismal on all counts for this process and I appreciate all the advice I’ve gotten in this thread. Fortunately the only money I’ve spent so far is for the mid-grade Toslink cable.

With all this info in mind it is time to step back and reassess.

At this point I will not renew my Tidal HiFi account since as you mention it would be pointless.

For now I will continue to use this set-up to research music (find what I like and then purchase CD/vinyl) via Apple Music and Amazon ( I’m using the trial periods).

Once I decide to take the plunge into hi-res streaming I’ll re-visit my hardware needs.

Thanks again.

Edit: What are the downsides to the Chromecast?