Kinki EX M1 user comments

I’m really happy with the sound of my EX M1, and I’d like to encourage folks to post their comments as they join the user base. I started using mine around August 24, and though I was skeptical about just how good the sound would be, or that it would improve over time, I was wrong on both counts. 

Also, I hope folks will note engineering or other changes as they occur. So far, there is a gain switch and a ground jumper, and silver rather than black remotes versus the original.

Let’s start hearing from new users! 
Dead thread?  Just got a Schitt Loki mini for mine!  Great little addition. 
I prefer the lo gain now after a few weeks......nice on the Loki ..I have one also
 but took it out when I got the kinki..still looking at the kinki dac next

Hey Kinki owners.  I'm at 200+ hours on my EX-M1 and loving it.

Was wondering which of you are using silver vs copper speaker cables.

I'm currently using Audio Magic Xstream speaker cables.  These are a silver-over-copper conducter cable - a budget Audio Magic cable that I purchased about 16 years ago.  I think I paid about $250 for them.

I want to upgrade the speaker cables.  Was pretty set on auditioning the Signal Cable Silver Resolution Reference (silver), but then I noticed Nonoise' comments about getting better results with copper.

I have a bit of glare in the highs - worse on some recordings, less on others.  I'm using a Schiit Modi multibit dac, and I assumed this was it.  'Busted out an old Rotel HDCD player (PCM63 - a good budget player) to A/B, and there was pretty much little difference in the glare.  Maybe both the schiit and rotel cd both have this signature, but it makes me lean towards the cables as the potential cause.  Maybe copper will help smooth that out.  For what it's worth, a dac upgrade is planned soon as well.

I'll audition some copper cables too, but just wondering what you're using with your kinki today, and if you tried both copper and silver and what the results were.

My speakers:  Bryston Mini T's - 4ohms, 85db.

Much appreciated if you can share your speaker cable setup/experiences with the Kinki.  Maybe there's a trend there.

OK, I got a member, grannyring, to make me some Duelund speaker cables and jumpers, and they are inexpensive and lovely with the Kinki. I use them to drive KEF R900 speakers.