Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions

I just purchased a used set of Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT speakers that will be delivered in a week or so. I am going to be doing the setup myself (help of my brother also). The Vandy Quatro / CT manual has very good detail and I am reading, preparing and starting to really understand the process. 

Vandersteen recommends using natural instrument Jazz recordings because they say these offer the most realistic and accurate sonic reproductions. They even recommend using Ray Brown Soular Energy. Can anyone recommend any other similar reference recordings?

Does anyone have any general recommendations and tips for Vandy speaker setup? Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you.

 you have 5a not 7, i have owned both, spend an extra buck and get the laser with a flat base, the jig is for the 7 and adjusts toe in also, 

you are wrong @stringreen
also put your targets at ear height on the listening chair if you can, not a rear wall, hopefully many many feet distant..the rear wall s2nd choice

in general i end up aiming about a foot to 8” outboard of each ear.
your milage may vary

+1, tomic601

Jim has given me setup assistance along with room treatment recommendations and has helped me make my Vandersteen setup better sounding. He has vast experience with these things and knows Richard Vandersteen personally.
The Masters setup goes way beyond the setup procedures that come in the Quatro CT manual. Richard Vandersteen himself recommended this method and he and Jonathan Spelt use this method when setting up at shows like AXPONA. I exchanged several emails with RV and he absolutely recommended Jon.

I'll post notes on the masters procedure soon.
my apologies, I am sure all us Vandersteen owners are passionate about meticulous setup, tuning and the massive rewards....
as i seek to learn from the masters and
as a sometimes adobe hack and loudspeaker manual editor, I would love to see the notes on master setup....
i have been bugging RV about a simple, less expensive 3d printed laser jig that fits other models, i will bug the Wizard of Hanford again today....

best to all