I have been a loyal Krell owner for 20+ years. I currently own a FPB200c, FPB 750 MCX (2) and Krell KCT with Transparent CAST cables. I'm not sure about spending more on Krell and so far with these speakers I'm not finding a lot of synergy? I'm also not a fan of the XA 160.5 amps, the pass class A amps just don't have the sound I'm looking for with these speakers however the class A/AB amps like the X600.5 sound a lot better. With Krell now trying to get out of servicing older equipment and kicking Dan out I wonder where all that is going? The ARC service seems to be first class. I have always owned Krell, I have not heard the newest stuff with my speakers so I'm not really sure how good they really are but they also seem far more expensive than ARC or Pass? I sure would like to try them but kind of skeptical too.