The best "imaging" speakers?

Which speakers gave you the most "you are there" experience?
realistic dynamics are beyond current techology)

It would be fairer to say that realistic dynamics is extremely rare in most small elegant tall home speakers but you do find realistic dynamics with some significantly large speakers and often horns with several 12" or more woofers are excellent in the dynamics department.
"One speaker that is rarely mentioned in this type of discussion is the Lipinski 707."

I want to hear it. Somebody described its imaging as "jaw dropping"
A 3-D, holographic soundstage may create an out-of-body experience to help me to suspend belief and to imagine that I am listening to a live performance. But it is not what I hear when I actually attend that live performance.
At some concerts acoustic is really bad and in the places where acoustics is great I cannot get and often afford good seat. Listening at home I have the best seat in the house.
I second the Apogee Scintilla. It's carioid delivery ( ) floats the image in the air much like a holograph does the same for images. Driven well, it can perform enormous dynamic swings. It's real full range capabilities can produce a grand piano in the room that is nearly impossible to distinguish from a real grand.